their appreciation isn't cheapened, the experience is, you can't really deny that. Just like our experience was cheapened by not having gatefold huge ass records with trippy ass full color covers to roll our blunts on to the beautiful hissing of an analog recorded Master of Reality the first time we heard it.
with being able to download an album in 10 minutes while taking a shit, you can defend the convenience, the sound quality, the availability, everything but the experience of cutting class, running to the local mom n pop store, buying a tape with hard earned money from working at a dank pizzeria, popping it in the deck, and gazing at the cover art and lyrics while hearing for the first time something you've been waiting 2-4 years to hear and imagining what it would sound like all the while.
And I'm sure that there are kids you still do that, and love to buy albums and play the fuck out of them and memorize every lyrics, no doubt that still happens. But they are not in the majority.
The love of music is the same, but the experience is different.
This might be a horrible analogy, or a really good one, but I'm in the group of people that prefers the time when there were no cars and you walked to school and it took you 2 hours instead of 20 minutes, but at least you were not fat. Some people have no problem with being fat, which is cool, different strokes. But my idea and experience of getting to school is absolutely different from theirs. Good or bad. In my opinion, my experience is superior to theirs and there are probably a lot of those fat people who would have loved walking to school if there were no cars, but they'll never know because, alas, their mom had a ford escort.
horrible analogy actually