New UM member looking to learn how to Growl and Scream


New Metal Member
Jul 31, 2007
Heyo... I am new to this forum... Signed up while being bored in class.. I always wanted to growl and scream to metal tunes.. But crap my first try spoilt my throat, and gave me a bad sore throat.. Its been for a week now... :Puke: Any experienced vocalist would wanna guide a noob? it would be appreciated :notworthy I have been practicing with my own vocal range for over 4 months now.. Oddly my influence are from Screamo (Silverstein, It Dies Today, a thorn for every heart) and Death Metal(Devildriver, Job For A Cowboy) :kickass: ..
Though i feel strange with the lack of seniority, I welcome you.

What i do as far as death metal growls go is what I'm sure you've heard before if you've gotten tips from anyone before. The best way I could explain it is to open up your throat and push air up out of your lungs with your diaphragm. At first it's easier said than done, but i suppose if you try practicing the technique, you should get it.

When i began trying to growl, I used my throat, but it seems i subconciously weened myself off with the correct technique.