children of COB
Deadnight Drinker
Wow, fucking awesome lineup! Please do release the gig as DVD or something somehow!!! It would be so amazing, it's sure gonna be a blast!
Take a train to Dusseldorf and then fly to Helsinki from there? Eh... Why am I making any kind of suggestion, I know nothing of Europe or traveling there. I fail.
^Smash your hand with a hammer and call in sick! You shouldn't be allowed to make excuses for missing an event like this. =)
No. I'm a poor college student who's never been outside of the country (except for mexico, but that doesn't count), and doesn't have a passport. I'm also, evidently, a hypocrite. =)
Showtime 00:30!!!!
Do you mean the Warmen gig? Where'd you get the info??
Cause the tiketti site says 21.00 - 4.00
Since it's also a belate release party I'd think the show starts at 21.00 and after that there's a party..
I have very strong feeling that guy above has some inside information.