New Wave of British Black Metal


Old Fart
Jul 24, 2001
The Woodlands
I never got into the Big 3 of the NWOBBM, but I'm listening to an early Akercocke album, and while it's not mindblowing, it's not too bad either. Did these guys get any better?

I've heard only the first Meads of Asphodel album, and remember it being interesting but not great. Descriptions sound like something I would enjoy nowadays.

Ive never heard Anaal Nathrakh.

Anaal Nathrakh is more grindcore than anything. Their blackmetal undertones are kind of gimmicky.
Anaal Nathrakh is more grindcore than anything. Their blackmetal undertones are kind of gimmicky.

Anaal Nathrakh might not be black metal in the old school since, but DEFINITELY aren't grindcore.


Akercocke has kind of progressed to a more refined sound on each album. I'm just guessing, but I don't think you'd like it.

Anaal Nathrakh started out doing complete hatred put to music, and they've also progressed to a slightly more refined sound. Early on they were compred to Watchmaker because of the absolute hatred in the music, but Watchmaker was an offshoot of grindcore, while Anaal Nathrakh was an offshoot of BM.
Words that go Unspoken might be too polished for you J., but you might like Antichrist.

edit: talking about Akercocke of course.
The Codex Necro is Blackened fucking hate. I remember when that came was impossible to find a copy for a while. I looked fucking everywhere. There's nothing better than a long, drawn-out hunt for a cd (that ends in victory, of course)...or thread reply, for that matter.
I've only got two Meads of Asphodel albums - Excommunication of Christ and Exhuming the Grave of Jeshua - and both are gold. Gold, my friends. Pure golden nuggets of joy and hate intertwined in an unholy matrimony that makes baby Jesus finger his bumhole.
my fave is Choronzon, all are ace, but I'd recommend The Goat of Mendes, Choronzon or Antichrist as their best albums.
Fans of Anaal Nathrakh, get yourself along to Damnation...


A bit of everything on there :loco: Hope to see some of you there!
I'm pretty sure I'm going to that. The line-up isn't totally my thing, but it still sounds fun.
about Akercocke: as they go from Goat to Chorizon to Words the songs become more complex and they tend towards prog metal. also I like the use of eastern instruments. Then with Antichrist they did a step back imo. gone are the prog structures and the eastern instruments and a lot of the subtlety. it's more death metal oriented, although they do have a drum & bass piece in one song.
I'm pretty sure I'm going to that. The line-up isn't totally my thing, but it still sounds fun.

Glad to hear you're coming alone mate.

The countdown...

Only 16 days until KREATOR and ANAAL NATHRAKH crash into the Leeds Met Uni for a day of dirty, and extreme metal - DAMNATION FESTIVAL is just around the corner!


Tickets for Damnation Festival 2007 are now on sale through the following outlets:

Crash Records
35, The Headrow,
West Yorkshire
Tel: 0113 243 6743

Jumbo Records
5-6, St. Johns Centre,
West Yorkshire
Tel: 0113 245 5570

97, Kirkgate,
West Yorkshire
Tel: 0113 247 0800

Briefs cost £22 and are also available through or and in person at Manchester's Piccadilly Box Office and Liverpool's Radio City Box Office.

The full lineup for Damnation Festival is as follows: Kreator, Anaal Nathrakh, Amen, Kataklysm, Aborted, Orange Goblin, 1349, Raging Speedhorn, Panic Cell, Narcosis, Devil Sold His Soul, Romeo Must Die, Ted Maul, Lazarus Blackstar, Man Must Die, Malefice and Soulfracture.

For further information about the event visit: or e-mail:
*Prices are subject to booking fee.