Black Metal

I don't consider them to be black metal. However I do consider them to have had one of the biggest influences on the first wave of Norwegian black metal.
To my knowledge there's hardly any black/mixed race musicians in black metal bands, which is kind of odd as that's definitely not the case in other forms of metal.
How can you tell? They all paint themselves up like corpses anyway.:lol:

Nah on a serious note, I'm pretty sure most countries have a band or several that class themselves as Black Metal. Seems to be quite big in Japan.
How can you tell? They all paint themselves up like corpses anyway.:lol:

Nah on a serious note, I'm pretty sure most countries have a band or several that class themselves as Black Metal. Seems to be quite big in Japan.

death metal seems far more prevalent to me, though said black-metal-ers use make up as if they were playing black metal.
This song is fucking awesome, so I thought I'd share it...

Listen to it, half way through is one of the greatest black metal riffs I have ever heard :kickass:
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^I'll check that out when this Rainbow song ends.

EDIT : Holy shit dude! Who are they? Where are they from? And where can I buy that album?

Whats the general concensus of Tsjuder? Yay? Nay? I heard one song and kinda liked it....
EDIT : Holy shit dude! Who are they? Where are they from? And where can I buy that album?

They're Taake, from Bergen, Norway. You can probably find that album (Hordalands Doedskvad) on Amazon, though it probably won't be cheap.

Whats the general concensus of Tsjuder? Yay? Nay? I heard one song and kinda liked it....

Personally I think Tsjuder are (were, they've split-up now) one of the best modern black metal bands. Their best (and last) album Desert Northern Hell features the song you heard.