Black Metal

Because I am willing to listen to anything once, I gave all of the above songs a listen. Yep..... I can't stand them. I will say that the drummer for Absu is a fucking mutant with 3 feet though. The intro for "Pillars of Mercy" was ridiculous.
So if I said that the musicianship was great, and that the singer is terrible, I'd be wrong?
I believe I just did. And am prepared to do it again if need be.

Also, note the new badass avatar. It isn't the EXACT one from MGS, but its close enough.
Journeyman, you need to learn that people are entitled to an opinion.. and just because you disagree with it, doesn't make it wrong.
Indeed, Proscriptor is a pretty damn good drummer. He almost joined Slayer at one point.

I'm glad he didn't :p

I remember you mentioned Dissection and Diabolical Masquerade earlier :kickass: Here are a couple of tunes in case noone here had heard of them:


Diabolical Masquerade: