Black Metal

Journeyman, you need to learn that people are entitled to an opinion.. and just because you disagree with it, doesn't make it wrong.

No you're wrong. Everyone is wrong but ME. :mad:

I need to start using these :p again don't I? :(
I find it funny. I saw belphagor play before exodus and it was like a caracature. the whole time i was like "are they effing serious?"
Crush! Kill! Destroy!

In my opinion Behemoth are of one the few bands who I consider to be at the pinnacle of popular 'extreme metal' - They pull huge crowds (which makes me wonder why they're supporting Devildriver haha), sell huge amounts of merch as well as great record sales, and rightfully so. They've been consistently releasing good records since they stopped being a 'typical black metal' band.


Another of my very favourite black metal bands is Melechesh...

Though they're not your typical black metal band, by a long way!
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In my opinion Behemoth are of one the few bands who I consider to be at the pinnacle of popular 'extreme metal' - They pull huge crowds (which makes me wonder why they're supporting Devildriver haha), sell huge amounts of merch as well as great record sales, and rightfully so. They've been consistently releasing good records since they stopped being a 'typical black metal' band.

That Melechesh lot sound pretty good!

Devildriver are a great live band, you cannot fault them on that even if you don't like them on cd. I however like both so it suits me fine. I did however enjoy Behemoth's set slightly more, I think it's because I've been waiting like 4 years to see them so I was suuuuuuuper hyped up for it.