New Year's Resolutions

Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay
1. Try and be a nicer person. (No seriously, I mean it)
2. Get rid of every cd on my tradelist by years end.
3. Partake in atleast 1 Gugsized haul each quarter.
4. Balls to the wall Doomcifer esque commitment in the weight room.
5. Give a negar spare change atleast 3 times in 08.
6. Work more hours to pad my wallet.
7. Rock w/ my cawk out
8. Snow globe Susperia
9. Go shopping for some new clothes lmfao
10. Catch a couple Angels games.

Keeping it simple. :Smokin:
1) Try to have a good time with my remaining time in Asia. (right now I've begun some preliminary plans for a trip to Vietnam which should be fun)
2) See Mt Fuji and Itsukushima Shrine.
3) Catch up on movies, music, and video games I've missed from 2007.
4) Try not to gain any more weight.
5) Go skydiving.
1. Try and be a nicer person. (No seriously, I mean it)

4. Balls to the wall Doomcifer esque commitment in the weight room.
5. Give a negar spare change atleast 3 times in 08.

8. Snow globe Susperia

Keeping it simple. :Smokin:

Good luck with that.

1. Have at least one show.
2. Get my portfolio together and start showing it to galleries.
3. Get into a gallery.
4. Go to Italy and Scotland with friend from college.
5. Aquire some tits.
6. Exercise more. Or at least excercise a little since I don't at all lately..
Improve the quality of my life. In order to do this, I must strive to:

1. Be a better father.
2. Be a better husband.
3. Take better care of myself.
- eat better (not to mention less)
- exercise
- less booze
4. Become more aggressive with the label.
5. Shake my addiction to porn. :zombie:
5. Shake my addiction to porn. :zombie:

Interesting. I actually think it's pretty apt to call it an addiction, something I, somewhat shocked, realized as I tried to stop watching that crap during last year. I had tried several times before, but failed, but this last time I managed to find enough resolve. Good luck with that anyway :]

My most important resolve for this coming year is to get rid of the last remnants of my teenage misanthropy and the inclination to judge people left and right
1. Go out more
2. Drink more beer
3. Smoke my pipe more
4. Listen to more metal
5. Keep on swizzle-ing my nuts.
1 - Take greater advantage of opportunities that come my way, and be more proactive in creating such opportunities for myself.
2 - Get a fucking band together.
3 - Continue building up my DVD collection - need to finish off my Coen brothers, Ridley Scott and John Woo filmographies!
My most important resolve for this coming year is to get rid of the last remnants of my teenage misanthropy and the inclination to judge people left and right

This is what I'm deathly ill of, well that and Susperia's avatar. Take that negar sexual deviant who I worked with yesterday for example. The silverback was not a bad bloke at all, yet I still came in with some pre-conceived notions from word of mouth tales of how incorrigible he is as a human being. Seeing that he's a negar, I took the bait.

With that being said, another Negar who I thought was a stand up guy, was sent home yesterday for insubordination. Get this, he refused to "Work". :lol:
I normally don't do all that "new year resolution" crap,
but what the heck:

*lose those 5 pounds
*put more money aside for my graduation vacation I'm planning.
*maintain my 3.9 GPA
*read more
*answer all those emails that are still waiting...
*have a lot of.... you know.
*rescue another animal

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