New Yngwie album!

DoktorShred said:
Because your gay

If you're going to use asinine insults, don't embarass yourself with bad grammar.

I never realized that sexual preference could be used as an insult. So what if somebody IS gay? You're straight. What's your point?
I remember reading an interview with Yngwie from some years back and him saying (in response to criticism that his music wasn't as interesting because it was made with only his input) that he loved the music so much that he wanted it to be his vision and his emotional expression only.

While I have enjoyed every single album he has made, I would very much like to hear Yngwie as part of a more "equal" band where each member has a say as to what sort of music gets made. Perhaps in a more progressive style rather than shred-oriented heavy metal. I think Yngwie has always had great potential, but limits himself to a similar style of music every album (branching in to 80s hair metal doesn't count ;)). Concerto Suite was a refreshing change from his previous efforts and he demonstrated that he could retain his style while innovating its presentation.
That was a great post, Kazahana. I respect the fact that he sticks to his guns, but he could do a little more diversity and still be Yngwie. I don't think ANYTHING could stop him from being Yngwie - Concerto Suite proved that most awesomely.
his '80 cds were good. i have 8 of hes cds (original)..but it doesent work if you keep doing that same shit.. who wants to buy cd if every song is similar? well.. in any case hes doing new album.. i want heard it first before i buy anything. If thats similar like attack.. malmsteen deceived me! okay lets change thread. two (or 3?) malmsteen threads are too much....too much...
OfSinsAndShred said:

FUNNIEST THING EVER! And I never use caps so you know it's good.

Unleash the Fury? :grin: :rock: The only way that could be better is if he spelled it "fjoory." Yngwie officially rules.

There needs to two exclamation points this time!!


I can already hear the lyrics/melody of the title track in my head! It's gonna be great!!