Newbie here


New Metal Member
May 10, 2005
Stockton, ca
Hi Y'all,
I am new to the board. I have been a Saxon fan since the early 80's. I was looking foward to seeing Saxon at Santa Clara, Ca this Wednesday but found out about the fire at Biff's house. I am so sorry to hear about it. Your in my prayers, Biff.
Looking foward to seeing the band make a comeback here in the states.
Can't wait to see you
Trinka said:
Hi Y'all,
I am new to the board. I have been a Saxon fan since the early 80's. I was looking foward to seeing Saxon at Santa Clara, Ca this Wednesday but found out about the fire at Biff's house. I am so sorry to hear about it. Your in my prayers, Biff.
Looking foward to seeing the band make a comeback here in the states.
Can't wait to see you
Hi Trinka welcome to the Saxon forum :rock:
Hi & Welcome, Trinka!

Yeah - the fire incident really unsettled things with Biff, his family and the fans. But I'm sure you will get to see the great man shortly!!

It would be interesting to know how you first came across Saxon and why you became a fan!

nightwar said:
Hi & Welcome, Trinka!

Yeah - the fire incident really unsettled things with Biff, his family and the fans. But I'm sure you will get to see the great man shortly!!

It would be interesting to know how you first came across Saxon and why you became a fan!


I first became a fan when I saw them play a concert in San Jose, California. I think the year was 1984 or 1985. I just loved his voice. It was very different than all the other hair bands around. I really like to find bands that are different. I got all my friends hooked onto them. When I went and saw Y & T at a club recently, I saw an ad that Saxon was going to play. I absoutley freaked out. And than I was saddened about Biff's misfortune. I am just really glad that him and his family are safe. Am looking forward to seeing them.
Thanks to all of you for the warm welcome.
I know its a saxon forum Trinka but what other bands do you like??

Will you be seeing the mighty Priest when they destroy america this summer?
valanx said:
I know its a saxon forum Trinka but what other bands do you like??

Will you be seeing the mighty Priest when they destroy america this summer?

I am going to try to hit the concert. I like everything except Rap. I am not too much into todays Metal. I still go back and listed to all of the 80's metal.
No not Winger or Poison. lol I am so excited that all the former bands are making a comeback. That is so awesome.
Trinka said:
"I am so excited that all the former bands are making a comeback. That is so awesome."

I could not agree more! I have nothing against the new Metal bands, but they just do not have the same vibe, you know?
It must mean something when artists like Saxon, Priest, Cooper, Scorpians etc. are touring extensively and increasing their sales on every topic (concerts, albums, DVDs etc)!

Regarding Biff's voice - yeah, I reckon he is really underated. His vocals never stood out for me initially (I just liked it) but, as time has gone by, I've realised just how unique his voice is. Biff has a no-nonsense style to his vocals (like Ozzie, Bonn Scott or Lemmy etc), yet he hits the notes so well (Dickinson, Dio and such).
The best thing about Biff's voice, though, is that you know it is him as soon as you hear it. There are only a handful of living vocalists on the planet with a truly unique sound, and Biff is one of them!

Like you said, Trinka - I have tryed all the new stuff, but I always end up going back to the old favourites!
Trinka said:
I am so excited that all the former bands are making a comeback. That is so awesome.

I listen to lots of new bands, but imo they just dont cut it at the end of the day....Most are image based promotions who are not musically fit to play in the same yard as the big dogs such as Saxon, Judas Priest, Maiden, Slayer, Testament etc......I believe really that the 'old' bands dont have that difficult a time smoking the competition because the competition is not really that great to begin with....Ok so some newer bands can bang out some decent tunes but in the long run they just dont cut it, they dont have the longevity.. The true metal roots (the magic) is just not there in most cases!

And im so dissapointed with the way the black metal scene has gone.
No more Immortal or Emperor

The only decent metal scene worth checking out is the european metal loads of great bands... Maybe too many to name but heres a few off the top of my head i have come to love and would recomend to anyone!

Primal Fear
Arch Enemy
Dimmu Borgir
Dark Tranquility
In Extremo

Obviously some of these bands have been around quite a while, but most of them are rarely heard of in the UK media or at least given any decent exposure.