

New Metal Member
Jul 20, 2003
Knoxville, TN
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hello all
i'm new to this board and to "death metal"
a couple months ago i fell in love with in flames and had to get all their cd's except for reroute to remain which i didn't really care for.
a couple days ago i thought i'd see what else was out there in the world of mellodic death metal and i stumbled upon dark tranquillity
and now i'm all excited about them
i was wondering if you could give me some recommendations on a cd to start out with
pretty much all i've heard is a number of songs from their latest album

i appreciate it
Welcome newbie, err, I mean, scm. :D
Try Damage Done first.
i'm terribly sorry for ruining everyones day with my ignorance

maybe i'm blind but i'm not seeing "the rules" anywhere
someone want to help me out here?
As a punishment you have to dig up the "I'm new" thread, gently offered by Final_Vision, and post in it. You must do it till midnight. Or you will be hang. And don't ask whose midnight. :mad:

Siren (welcome :p)
rahvin said:
what if he manages to end the task before midnight? is he supposed to bury it again and so on just to get there?
No, then he can prepare dinner for me. :Smokedev:

Siren (i said "till" :p)
Siren said:
then i think i have to restart taking english lessons. :p

it's not that serious. "until" = as long as what follows hasn't happened.

"i will love you until the end" does not really mean "i will love you before the end", although the general level of approval behind either expression might in fact be equally low.
English is one tricky and funny language. :)
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