News about the CD


Hmm, hmm.
the truth is that the guys are busy writing songs, in fact they have 25 songs to record. Probably the new album will come out as a Blue-ray Disc (ahahahahah).
So the LA concert is on a May. Awesome... :/

Could have been worse. The last Fates concert was during finals week.
Love SX. Got into Soilwork a few years back and I dig MOST of their stuff - the screaming gets to be a little much after a couple of songs but they have some really good proggy keyboards in a few of their songs along with some catchy choruses and shit. Pretty decent ... very excited to see them with SX in ATL - will be sick.

Anyone interested in a taste of Soilwork - Song of the Damned & Distance are both really, really good songs. Song of the Damned actually got me into liking keys in songs before I really got into prog and metal. Good stuff.
If you don't know Soilwork, PLEASE pick up Natural Born Chaos. Absolutely classic Melo DeathMetal album, really just fantastic stuff. Their latest album is solid too. They are very tight.
So is this THE tour for the upcoming album or just like a "hey we're back and promoting our upcoming album" kind of tour? They are not playing in my city even though they did on the last tour :( I want to move to NYC someday, they get ALL the concerts.