News about the CD


Damn, you stole my concept.
Mike Portnoy kidnapped her and he won't release her untill Russell Allen makes his recent twitter post come to life

Clearly Jax is on the new Mike Portnoy project.

I have a feeling that the album will be released without a word from the record label :Smokedev:

LOL @ the cd covers above! Jax is still alive, and you never know if she's watching, or might pop in & say something.. The band still exists, the cd is coming out, there are just the usual delays... Anything else will most likely come from Jax...
OMG EXCLUSIVE LEAK THINGYMAJONG OMGGGGG nuclear blast are so bad why didn't we get the information from them, first-hand??? omggggggggggggggggggggggg
I think if you added 2-1000 flying octopus spaghetti monsters, haphazardly around the inner, outer, and mid outline of the Symphony X font, it would look way more realistic, but you actually fooled me for a couple of hours till I clicked the link.

@ Wander post #939

I was seriously laughing my ass off man, that is amazing.

@ Marwen post #942

I was laughing way harder. I really like how you left the giant copyright symbol and the start of the www of the website its copyrighted to right on there with the skull on the bottom left, that is so original man! Great analogies and subliminal ostentatiounosity. Divine even. You should seriously look into making band cover artwork! Lovit.