News about the CD

I am in 100% agreement with the issues surrounding not letting the core fanbase know what's going on. Record labels are a fickle sort, they may have their own pecking order for who gets info first. I don't know if I have all the facts, but since the release of PL, it seems that the Sy-X minions' hands are tied.

However, the band has never been into doing vids/pics/blogs of the recordings. Would it be cool if they did? Sure! But if THEY (the band &/or label) don't want to do it, that is their decision, and I respect that, even if I think they are missing the boat on creating a buzz.....
Maybe they posted clues everywhere, hoping for fans to be more of the Sherlockian type. And when we never found anything they were like "well at least we tried".
I just don't think SX is good at the social media/constant update thing.

This seems like the most likely explanation. We all know MJR strongly dislikes teh interwebs, and I recall someone (probably Jax) stating at one point that at least one member of the band doesn't even own a computer.

In the end, it is the band's choice not to release any info. However, as J-Dubya and others have stated, I think they're missing huge promotion opportunities.
I just don't think SX is good at the social media/constant update thing.

meh, I still think they're just NOT INTERESTED about getting into that stuff. They're like whatever... Simple as that, and no body has the right to blame em for it (I personally log in to facebook about once or twice every two months, and don't use twitter).

Having said that, I think management should still take the responsibility of providing regular official updates to the fans. They can't just say whatever to that especially when they don't have the "there is nothing going on" excuse, with news being released from non-official sources.
I know people who are anti-web but still pay or gratis somebody to run their image on the net. If you're not presenting news first, you aren't relevant. This has been the case since the Newspaper, since before then even. It's one thing to be silent if there is nothing of note to report. That's fine. However, when one of your members gives an interview and spills some of the beans before the site is updated and news spread? Or after such an interview, if you don't go public? Time for a new label if they're the ones causing this.
meh, I still think they're just NOT INTERESTED about getting into that stuff. They're like whatever... Simple as that, and no body has the right to blame em for it (I personally log in to facebook about once or twice every two months, and don't use twitter).

I pretty much agree with what your saying, except that they did seem interested at one point; several updates ago, there was talk of a new website and photos from the recording session. That was actually news posted on their site, not something that people like me feel is a random obligation. It's like this: My favorite band in the world says, "Hey, we are going to be launching a new website, and posting photos of our recording session." Me, a big fan, gets excited and begins checking the website on a regular basis. Copy/paste the last sentence for awhile. That's it.

Symphony X doesn't need to serve my internet reader's digest needs. They sound kick-ass coming out of my Ipod, and that's all I truly care about. I don't think anyone is blaming the band. But when you tell me that your cooking bacon, don't blame me for asking you, "Hey man, where is that bacon you were mentioning?"

And with that, I'm off to make some bacon.
I pretty much agree with what your saying, except that they did seem interested at one point; several updates ago, there was talk of a new website and photos from the recording session. That was actually news posted on their site, not something that people like me feel is a random obligation. It's like this: My favorite band in the world says, "Hey, we are going to be launching a new website, and posting photos of our recording session." Me, a big fan, gets excited and begins checking the website on a regular basis. Copy/paste the last sentence for awhile. That's it.

Symphony X doesn't need to serve my internet reader's digest needs. They sound kick-ass coming out of my Ipod, and that's all I truly care about. I don't think anyone is blaming the band. But when you tell me that your cooking bacon, don't blame me for asking you, "Hey man, where is that bacon you were mentioning?"

And with that, I'm off to make some bacon.

Well... that's the best post I've seen on this thread yet. THANKS for nailing it man! :worship::)
I hope this new album has more writing credits from Lepond, P, and Rullo. Paradise Lost had one writing credit from Pinnella; the majority of the music was written by Romeo and the lyrics were all Romeo and Russ. Not that I mind this, but I miss when the other band members wrote more, like when Lepond co-wrote stuff on The Odyssey and when Rullo did on V. And whenever Pinnella co-writes stuff it is melodic as shit, so I really hope for more of his involvement.
This may have already been seem in a tour thread somewhere, but I just came across this image, it may be indicative of the art style/cover of the new album:

I hope this new album has more writing credits from Lepond, P, and Rullo. Paradise Lost had one writing credit from Pinnella; the majority of the music was written by Romeo and the lyrics were all Romeo and Russ. Not that I mind this, but I miss when the other band members wrote more, like when Lepond co-wrote stuff on The Odyssey and when Rullo did on V. And whenever Pinnella co-writes stuff it is melodic as shit, so I really hope for more of his involvement.

Massive +1 here

That poster does look cool as well.
Nice poster! While I do like the "techy" inlays of the Symphony X logo, I've always associated the band with a more earthy, natural feel. However, I am looking forward to the new theme. It's also cool to know that they are headlining, as I like them infinitely more than Nevermore.