News about the CD

Hey symphony, maybe you should chill out and let them vent their frustrations/excitement for the new album. You going "oh noez" on every thread like you're bored out of your mind is not contributing to the situation, but making you to be a giant ass. Which from past experience, you're not. Don't give everyone a reason to think otherwise.

Just saying...

Besides there are as many people who hate Paradise Lost, and many who like it. Same with V, or The Odyssey. To each their own! The important thing is that the new album is around the corner, and we can all rejoice to some shitty, or awesome music. Unknown untill we listen to it. From my point of view, it wont be shitty/almost impossible it could be. But you never know....
I am basically turning into the reincarnation of RazorEdge who would throw major shitstorms whenever anyone said anything even remotely negative about SX. Everyone here knows I wasn't much of a fan of PL myself but the endless bitching about an album that came out when I was in middle school does get a bit annoying. It's not like SX are our personal jukebox who we can make play whatever we want. By all means I want them to make another DWOT but I know it'll never happen. Hopefully someday when SX are a full on thrash metal band, there will be a new band carrying on the legacy of V-like music.
Now we have the name of the album "the iconoclast".
"It is basically just the idea of machines taking over everything and all this technology we put our society into pretty much being our demise". (said Russell)

i'm pretty sure, music they give will be awesome, but the concept is very unoriginal in 2011.

Too many metal band use the same theme... :erk:

And yet they somehow manged to make the battle of good and evil, an even older concept, sound pretty damn good with Paradise Lost.

As the saying goes, "Your miles may vary!"

First off, it never ceases to amaze me how people bitch about an album that hasn't been released, much less leaked to the general public. If you have no solid info to base your dislike, please do everyone a favor, and STFU. EVERY single time this band is in the process of the bringing their next release to light, it's the same old shit, just a different cast of characters. After the album is out, you listen to it, and if you think it sucks, feel free to bitch about it, and make sure you have the goods to back it it up. Hell, if I think it sucks, I'll be more than honest about it.. Truth is, there has not been ONE Sy-X cd produced that I would consider putting in the "suck" catagory, and that includes their debut. Sy-X is truly a band that has never musically disappointed me. Onto a couple quotes:

Who knows, who cares :Smokedev: Good riddance to him! Maybe he went into a time machine into his magical "glory days" in the 80's.

Razor was/is a cool dude. I care..What's your issue with the 80's? It was a great time to be into music...Oh wait, let me guess, you weren't there. All you have to go in the stupid mass media produced shit like they show on VH1. There was a LOT more going on than what you saw on TV. Maybe one day you'll grow up, and realize that good music spans not only decades, but centuries as well...

It was depressing reading about him anyway...

Welcome to life...Don't like it, don't read it.
Truth is, there has not been ONE Sy-X cd produced that I would consider putting in the "suck" catagory, and that includes their debut. Sy-X is truly a band that has never musically disappointed me.

Yes to first I thought Paradise Lost was too heavy, but I have been listening to lately and there are some really amazing melodic parts...and they are good at being aggressive. The record just rocks! Some really awesome licks in there, and done with a zeal most bands cannot even begin to touch. Now that i've gotten used to Russel's aggressive vocals, please bring on Iconoclast! Eve of seduction is one of my favorite Symphony X songs now.
Who knows, who cares :Smokedev: Good riddance to him!


What's your issue with the 80's? It was a great time to be into music...Oh wait, let me guess, you weren't there. All you have to go in the stupid mass media produced shit like they show on VH1. There was a LOT more going on than what you saw on TV. Maybe one day you'll grow up, and realize that good music spans not only decades, but centuries as well...


I've always wished I lived in the 80's.
+1 to J-Dubs. Razoredge was a cool dude, he was very opinionated...But than again, so is 95% of the people on the forums. So either hate everyone or no one!

Paradise Lost is an amazing album, and I am with you as well J-Dubs that the band has never disappointed me musically. I wont lie though, I did expect more from Paradise Lost considering it was 5 year wait. But raising the expectation bar myself, is my own problem, and not the bands.

The only song that I dislike just a little, is 'Witching Hour'. And its not so much dislike as it is, totally freaking random.

I'm hyped for Iconoclast, but i'm trying not to get over excited for various reasons. I got out of control for 'Paradise Lost', and was getting frustrated at the lack of updates and such. It was my first symphony x release I was around for, and I thought it would be this awesome progress, with updates for fans every month or so, photos, what ever it may be. And for the record, we where told we would receive said updates and didn't. I have since than, vented my frustration, and understand that wont happen. Does it still irritate me? Of course, a band of such high caliber as Symphony X deserves the world, the money, the fame. And I just feel that us being left in the dark, is no different than the band being left in the dark. Which is basically what happens. Most of the updates where "we will let you know when we know where aloud to let you know..." which isn't the moderators fault. Or the bands fault, but the labels fault. They should be aloud to say, or do what ever they want.

The bitching should not commence before the album is out, based on the album material. However I still believe its perfectly normal for someone to be uptight about the lack of information. I mean the release of a new album is coming so very close. We can smell/taste it. However the only proof of this is an interview with Russell Allen from an internet radio station. The website, myspace, facebook, just about everything official has posted nothing. Hell Nuclear Blast who are apparent fans of the band, arn't posting shit. The only updates they have is the tours, and welcoming them to the nuclear blast family.

Its understandable that certain members find the constant bitching for updates annoying as well. But I still say 80% of the people don't want to know every detail, but come on, acknowledging the fans, and letting them know its near completion, or is done. Either here or, on the Nuclear Blast website is kind of like a no brainer as far as updates go. But oh well. I was personally hopping Nuclear Blast would help bring the band to new heights, without altering the sound of their music. But with proper management and face time. Sure the tour with Nevermore is a huge/great opportunity, and its about time they headline for some well known bands. But thats just one small step, which i'm hoping will turn into many more. Time will tell!

Too the future * Raises glass*
^I have to agree with many of your points. More interaction with fans would be a positive thing for everyone. There are other artists/bands I follow, which are much easier to keep up with. for example, Devin Townsend posts daily on his twitter telling where he is currently with the album progress and also posts bigger updates on his forum every month or so/answers questions etc..

But if they prefer to keep mostly low profile while the album is progress, I'm fine with that as well. It's their choice. There are some good bands who don't do any interviews. There are some that don't have a myspace. Whatever works for the band, as long as the good albums keep coming, the other stuff isn't as important.
One guess for the low profile (besides some of the ones mentioned already), could be that if they don't tell people about the album, it won't get pitrated. Thar could be why not even this interview was posted on their website (or they forgot the password XD)
Obviously they DO prefer to keep a low profile. It's not as bad as you think.

But it's pretty strange that they didn't mention the interview. Even if the full interview will only appear in a few weeks they could have already posted something here in the forum.
But it's pretty strange that they didn't mention the interview. Even if the full interview will only appear in a few weeks they could have already posted something here in the forum.

Very disappointed

No updates for fans every month or few photos or videos

The only thing is an interview; and we have to waiting for a couple of weeks to read that...

they have totaly missed the beginning of 2011 to promote them, lol
Well, I don't really mind that they want their space (still weird considering the hype that PL got but, eh) but it's just weird that they wouldn't mention the interview here, for the fans.
I have heard this notion thrown around a few times, and perhaps I am wrong, but I am severely skeptical that the label has much to do with news that is posted. I cannot imagine a single legal reason that Nuclear Blast would prevent Symphony X from posting whatever the hell they wanted. Many bands (much bigger than SX) do studio diaries, photo updates, polls, and even tastefully leak info. Recently, I can name several BIG artists who have leaked lyrics off of releases that were months away.

So, in other words, I don't think that a lack of updates has anything to do with the label. I just don't think SX is good at the social media/constant update thing. This can be further proven by examining the bands behavior in late 2006/2007, which was identical to what we are seeing now, even though they were with InsideOut, which obviously doesn't prevent artists from posting whatever they want.

I have no problem with the low key approach. As long as the band realizes that they are missing a HUGE opportunity to tap into the greatest free resource of all; the internet. If it wasn't for the internet, I would not have a clue who SX is. Even now, this website is the WORST place to find out news about the band. I heard the name of the new album from Mike Portnoy's message board. I got sent links to Rullo's drum cam vids...from twitter (not the SX twitter!) and all by myself I have found and seen Russell Allen collab. with some really cool artists on youtube (my favorite being the "cemetery gates" cover he did with DT).

So why in the name of God can't this shit be posted on the frontpage??? "The label won't allow it" simply can't be right.
okay, normally this is where I enter and ridicule the pubescent whining about lack of news. Normally this is where I call such complainers short-attention-spanned, immature, and idle.

But that's all thrown to the wayside when the news is so big and so blatant and so obviously tangible that other outlets have already reported on it. This is like getting Wiki-leak'd. The band is perfectly in their rights to not twitter-twat about what they do every day or post a bunch of studio photos. That's icing. But to be mum as the dead about the name and content of the soon-to-be-released album? That's just piss-poor marketing strategy and for that I will say the whining is justified.