News about the CD

Iron Maiden have a ton of albums, but a lot of them are just so-so. Had they waited say 3 or 4 years instead of 2 per album, maybe the quality would have been better? It seems like in the 90's, they pretty much just walked into the studio and whatever happened, happened. Blind Guardian is another band that takes at least four year in between albums but they usually come out amazingly. It seems like most bands over the last 10 years or so really enjoy taking their time with albums which is pretty much the opposite of how it was in the 80's!

Edit: I really have a feeling that the new SX album will be out before June but of course I could be wrong. My guess is that they are finishing the mixing now and then won't really promote it too far in advance to avoid a leak. Then again, I don't really see them randomly just one day posting something like "The new album is out now, bye".

In my opinion Iron Maiden's best work was when they were churning out albums every year from 1980-1988. Even though thye take a long time between releases, they don't spend any more time writing and recording. They just don't do it as frequently.

I fully expect that the next Symphony X album will be superb. But does anyone think they've been working on it constantly for four years?
Nothing wrong with putting out a DVD after each tour if you ask me.
I think it's great you always have the opportunity to watch songs from thar particular touring album.
I'm also puzzeled why SX bever released an official live DVD. Very strange indeed.

My feeling exactly. Especially when there is so much time between albums. I always enjoy getting new DVDs from Iron Maiden, Rush and Dream Theater, and would love to see something like that from Symphony X. I realize, however, that they may not have full control over such decisions. I imagine the labels have something to say about it. And Symphony X was between labels for a while and doesn't sell nearly as many units as those bands.
I posted awhile ago with some info from a friend who has a connection to a friend of the band. It turned out to be less than accurate (the album wasn't out by Christmas 2010), but we all know how estimates in the land of SymX tend to slip... In any case, my source told me that the album is in the can and MJR has sent it away to be mastered. Here's hoping it's true!
If it's as bad as it is on PL, not so long.

PL may have had very loud mastering, but to me the instruments were all at perfect levels relative to each other (aside from the keyboard being a bit too low at times). The guitars were crunchy, the drums were pounding, and for once you could actually hear the silky smooth bass tone.
I found that guitars were too loud in the mix.
One thing that made me realize this was in Revelation. When the verse first starts, the guitar is playing the main verse riff, but is quite quiet, and not layered. After a bit, the full guitar section comes in, and it's definitely way too loud.
Keys were waaay too low.
Well I'm hoping for a triple album based on supernatural monsters. Ha! Russell would look pretty cool up on stage singing while wearing a wicked set of fangs. LOL LePond is a werewolf if ever I saw one. Great idea, someone pass it along to them. LOL
Well I'm hoping for a triple album based on supernatural monsters. Ha! Russell would look pretty cool up on stage singing while wearing a wicked set of fangs. LOL LePond is a werewolf if ever I saw one. Great idea, someone pass it along to them. LOL

Now we have the name of the album "the iconoclast".
"It is basically just the idea of machines taking over everything and all this technology we put our society into pretty much being our demise". (said Russell)

i'm pretty sure, music they give will be awesome, but the concept is very unoriginal in 2011.

Too many metal band use the same theme... :erk:
oh noez dont complain paradise lost was a masterpiece and oh no mo bitchin, son!11

That sentence will plague the forum from now until forever.