News about the CD

It amazes me how people are unable to draw the distinction between updates and actual promotion.
Imagine if a company launched a new product that they really believed in...and then didn't tell anyone about it!?
For me it falls on Nuclear Blast 100%.
Personally...were I in SX's shoes...I would like to think that I would recognize my label was dropping the ball and step up to the plate. But they clearly dislike that level of interaction and that's fine.
It amazes me how people are unable to draw the distinction between updates and actual promotion.
Imagine if a company launched a new product that they really believed in...and then didn't tell anyone about it!?
For me it falls on Nuclear Blast 100%.

It's simple, they said to the fans, in the forums (were the fans are) that there were going to be updates. Then, nothing happened, and nobody justified that.

And sorry to borrow another phrase, that's how the cookie crumbles :cool:
Their where no apologies for Paradise Lost, just ban hammers. Consider yourselves lucky!

I still say its not right to just blame the label. The band has much to do in it, promotion, updates what ever you want to call it. How can one expect someone to promote them, if they can't even promote themselves. Just like Supporting a family, how can one support a family, if they can't even support themselves? Sure occasionally they just get by, but its rough. And that's how symphony x operates, they just get by. I'm still waiting for the day they change their tactics.

Of course, some will say (glenn for example) that if, and when we get a big surprise we'll all be happy. But even than, with big exciting news, after a whole year its still shitty and leaves a bad taste in my/our mouths!

Why would Nuclear Blast waste time and effort, and money on a band, that wont even update their own site? The music industry is all about the money, and spending money is a very touchy subject when their is no guarantees, especially in symphony x's case that they will make their money back! Besides from my experience working with bands, and labels, most labels don't do much for you these days. Most contracts consist of, setting you up with tour dates, and printing your cd. Promotion, is more often than not in the bands/managements hands. And even than, Nuclear Blast does not just do what they want, the band has to know, and they have to green light it.
It's all just conjecture at this point. We have no idea what is causing the lack of updates, and we likely never will. The band owe us no explanation and neither do the label.

All we can do is just wait in the wings for more news...or continue to go around and around in circles playing the blame game, and that's getting really old now.
But if you want my opinion I'd say that there is nothing we can possibly do about the lack of updates, and there is no way we can tell NB or Symphony X how frusturated we are about the lack of updates. But there is absoutley nothing we can do right now except wait a month or two for the album, and if it doesn't happen by then, I'll consider them on hiatus. Until then we could just search for news on other websites or bang our heads against each other's (literaly and figuritvaly) until the album comes out. But the bitching will never end until this website is shut down.

Edit: Or Glenn can take his chances with The Boss.
The lack of updates sucks. There's nothing we can really say to change that. We can mock other people who do update their fans and say "lawl you tweet everything", or say "better 5 years between good releases than crappy releases and live dvds every year" but the fact is the Symphony X CD isn't going to get automatically better with every month that passes, it's basically done and is as good as it is, and we're just waiting for it to be released (or at least to hear definite news about when it's going to get released).

On the other hand, complaining doesn't really make a difference. I'm sure (or at least I hope) most people know that. And I'm sure (or again, I hope) most people that are saying there should be some news aren't advocating a "Tweet first, produce good music later" attitude. We know we're lucky to get any news, we know we're lucky to get new music.

But regardless of whether you think Symphony X's music is the best out there, whether you think it's among the best, whether you think it's decent but not the best, or whether you think it sucks, the fact that dedicated and active fans like you'll find on this board have been waiting for a year and a half (longer than I've even been a fan of Symphony X - I'm not claiming to be one of the long time fans), with promises of a new album and updates, only to recieve no news - that sucks. Complaining about it doesn't help speed it up, and all we can do is wait for the new album to come out. We know that. But as long as we're posting here, we might as well acknowledge it - it sucks. Whether it's the label's fault, or it's just because the band is really averse to giving out any news and is really slow at getting things out there, from the perspective of a fan waiting for music - it sucks. The end product might be the best there is (this album could easily be the best of the year (could easily have been the best of 2010 as well if it came out earlier)), but waiting with no news, sucks.

That's my take on it anyway.
@RuRoRul: A very educating post! And not in a sarcastic way. Everything you say is right. Like you say, while where here. We might as well talk about how it sucks. I personally don't think my ranting, or anyones will change anything. The most we could do as fans, is write a letter to Nuclear Blast. And tell them to shape up, but I mean what would that do?(Especially since it might not even be their fault to begin with) It might make us feel good about ourselves. That as a fan base world wide, we can come together to fight for one thing. That's cool. But I mean we do that on a daily basis here on the forums. Mixed cultures/ethnicities, all with one thing in common... Music (I would say symphony x, but its well known that not everyone here holds them as high as others. Which is alright, to each their own.)

I've said it many times before, of course Id rather be listening to new symphony x, or discussing the new album in a positive or musical manner. But we can't have any conversation like that because their is nothing to go by. Accept the very vague Allen interview. I'm sure the new album will blow me away, updates, or lack their of wont effect me in that sense. But as fans, and as long time frequenters, it is a bit of a let down. I don't think anyone person on these forums is advocating "tweet first, produce music late" Besides, even if someone where, that is one thing that will never happen with this band. I believe it was an official (can't remember which) who said that there is some members who don't even have a computer. And the ones who do, don't particularly like the interwebs. The music will always come first, but like Kenn and many others have mentioned. It's become less of an update issue now, and more or a promotion issue.

Anyone who has been around, for at least the Paradise Lost release knows how the band functions at this point in time. I just find it very odd, since the band was well aware of the tension they created with the Paradise Lost release. They knew what was going on in the forums in those days, and what kind of complaints went on. Romeo and Allen even acknowledged such things in many live interviews. With something like this;

" We have (X) amount of hours of left over music, and are back on track with writing, and already know where we want to go with the next album. We're sorry about the five year break, and wont make you wait another five years for an album. But we had some huge opportunities we just could not pass up, like gigantour, and the tour with Dream Theater, where huge for us man."

Of course this is not word for word, but anyone who followed them through the interviews, or the very RARE PL updates, or even talked to them at a live show heard similar stories. Than of course we get our first new album update, saying they are going to the studio. Really? Because we had no news prior to that. Than we get more news months later about how this is done being recorded, we got this left. Romeo promises some photos. Nearly a year later, we have nothing but some tour information (which starts in a week or so) and that they are done the album. Oh and an interview from Metal Messiah Radio with Russell Allen, talking very briefly about the album direction and title. I mean, they had god knows how much music left over, they said they wouldn't take another five years. But its just lather, rinse, repeat. All over again. Same BS that happened with paradise lost. And I think it kills fans, and promotion when information on an album that is presumably coming out in a month, two, or three is so damn scarce.

I mean think about it, they are going on tour very soon, I'm assuming its to support their new album. Meaning they will be playing tunes from the new album. So in no time we can all just youtube what some of the new songs will be called, and what they sound like. Cool I suppose, but come on. This is all supposed to covered here, and set in stone here, before hand. If you didn't know about the Russell Allen interview, you wouldn't know about the new album coming out soon, or the fact that its called 'Iconoclast'. Yet you notice on facebook that you can buy tickets to a symphony x show...You don't say to yourselves, "why the hell are they going on tour again, they just got off a 2 year tour of paradise lost. Shouldn't they be working on something new?" Its mind boggling really.

/end rant

Anyways, i'm hyped for the album, got my tickets to the show. I'm sure its going to blow my socks off. But I still disagree with their/nuclear blasts/management/etc promotion tactics. If they have any what so ever... Twelve year old kids with youtube channels promote themselves better than symphony x. It's not fair to fans, but more importantly the band, whether self brought on or not. They deserve the attention.
Two final speculations and then I won't make anymore until I know something concrete:

-I say the over/under for the album's release is September.


-Another reason I also blame Nuclear Ass Blast is because the band signed on with them for one big reason: a way more massive promotion. And the band could be waiting for the label to get their heads out of their asses to do this. But NB probably got away with a loophole in their contract where they can and are able to waste their time on all of their other mostly very shitty bands who the youth just go ga ga for.

Alright. I'm fucking done with conjectures until I/we know something more.
Wow @ paradise lost not being listed on the discography page. Not to mention at the bottom of the website it says that Netscape is recommended for viewing it.

Wow... Maybe the updates will show up if you just use a Netscape 7.xx browser! Which wasn't relevant even 7 years ago when it was first released...
Take bets! What gets announced first? The Sym X news or who the new Dream Theater drummer is? The end of the world may come before we know either!
Sadly, the interview reveals almost nothing we haven't heard yet. It was impressively vague on the album details. They talk alot about the takeover of technology, social networks etc...but otherwise it was quite "meh"
I think the biggest difference here with SX and say DT is that SX is really just a side project. The members have actual jobs and families and just use SX as like a little "get away". I doubt any of them lose sleep contemplating how many semitones will be in their next album. If Russ had the option of going to the recording studio or just kicking back and watching NASCAR with some doritos, he'd choose the latter.

I don't care that much about the new album because I have a feeling I am not going to be too impressed, but a part of me is a little interested about what this magical surprise Glenn would take a bullet for to keep secret is.