News about the CD

Perhaps you're onto something, but Symphony X is 'trying' to make it big. The problem is, I don't think they have what it takes to keep up to the supply and demand. Obviously not from a musical stand point, they always release solid albums. Top notch.

And yeah, that interview was pretty lame. It didn't really give us anything to work with!
I think the biggest difference here with SX and say DT is that SX is really just a side project. The members have actual jobs and families and just use SX as like a little "get away". I doubt any of them lose sleep contemplating how many semitones will be in their next album. If Russ had the option of going to the recording studio or just kicking back and watching NASCAR with some doritos, he'd choose the latter.

I don't care that much about the new album because I have a feeling I am not going to be too impressed, but a part of me is a little interested about what this magical surprise Glenn would take a bullet for to keep secret is.

Have to disagree a bit... maybe the situation is that they must keep their real jobs because they dont want to release shit every year. Maybe they choose high quality SX material and thats why it takes some time. Maybe it´s not a get away and they really want it to be so great that they can live with it. But they are not compromising their vision about SX and thats why they don´t get so big in music business (ok, have to say that the latest album was a bit that way, but lets hope that the next album goes back to real SX fantasy stuff thats real prog and not for money)
Sure it would be cool that money could be part of this kind of music too, because thats the real music that comes from their hearts and thats it.
It would be very cool to have some band updates more often and so, but now I hope the new CD will be great prog like SX should be and people should realize that too!!!
Have to disagree a bit... maybe the situation is that they must keep their real jobs because they dont want to release shit every year. Maybe they choose high quality SX material and thats why it takes some time. Maybe it´s not a get away and they really want it to be so great that they can live with it. But they are not compromising their vision about SX and thats why they don´t get so big in music business (ok, have to say that the latest album was a bit that way, but lets hope that the next album goes back to real SX fantasy stuff thats real prog and not for money)
Sure it would be cool that money could be part of this kind of music too, because thats the real music that comes from their hearts and thats it.
It would be very cool to have some band updates more often and so, but now I hope the new CD will be great prog like SX should be and people should realize that too!!!

Did Beethoven take 5 years to write each symphony? Did Shakespeare take 5 years to write Macbeth? PL was not worth the wait and I think we all agree on that. The last two albums weren't what I would really call "high quality" material by any means. If every album was like DWOT or V, I would agree with you. I don't like the mentality of just because it took 5 years or so to make that that automatically means that it's a masterpiece. It only took the band 2 years to make V and DWOT. At the end of the day, this is just a hobby for the band. With the costs of touring and CD production, this band is more of a fiancial burden.

Also, I feel flattered your first comment was a response to me.

Don't forget that Russ is a huge Oakland Raider fan too!

I don't even know if he really watches NASCAR. He just looks like the kind of guy who would be into that stuff.
Did Beethoven take 5 years to write each symphony? Did Shakespeare take 5 years to write Macbeth? PL was not worth the wait and I think we all agree on that. The last two albums weren't what I would really call "high quality" material by any means. If every album was like DWOT or V, I would agree with you. I don't like the mentality of just because it took 5 years or so to make that that automatically means that it's a masterpiece. It only took the band 2 years to make V and DWOT. At the end of the day, this is just a hobby for the band. With the costs of touring and CD production, this band is more of a fiancial burden.

Beethoven wrote so much more shit between his symphonies that were actually superior(concerti, sonatas, string quartets to name a few).

And The Odyssey had the band give us their best updates thus far.
The last two albums weren't what I would really call "high quality" material by any means. If every album was like DWOT or V, I would agree with you..

I think saying that Paradise Lost & The Odyssey (special emphasis on The Odyssey here) were NOT high quality material is not fair to the band at all, especially considering what the music scene is nowadays. I could put The Odyssey, if not both of them, ahead of any album released in the past ten years. Maybe for you they're sub par compared to their earlier stuff, but that doesn't take anything away from them as stand alone albums. Impeccable musicianship, vocals, concepts etc...
Maybe the issue is that they're just getting old and losing steam. All of them are 45+ from what I remember right? They're losing interest. In their 25-35s they were busting out album after album (dwot, twilight, v, odyssey) but then they were like, god damn I need to take my prescriptions, vitamins, and viagra. Studio time was probably cancled a bunch of times because Lepond got his cane stuck in a sewer drain, or Romeo choked on his dulcolax.
Did Beethoven take 5 years to write each symphony? Did Shakespeare take 5 years to write Macbeth? PL was not worth the wait and I think we all agree on that. The last two albums weren't what I would really call "high quality" material by any means. If every album was like DWOT or V, I would agree with you. I don't like the mentality of just because it took 5 years or so to make that that automatically means that it's a masterpiece. It only took the band 2 years to make V and DWOT. At the end of the day, this is just a hobby for the band. With the costs of touring and CD production, this band is more of a fiancial burden.

Also, I feel flattered your first comment was a response to me.

Totally agree that 5 years is very long time. But we can´t compare how fast people can compose. In the end its their lives and we should respect that they do music at all. As a fan it´s hard because u would like to hear new material as soon as possible, and this makes me scare if this new album is not so great to my taste... is it 5 years waiting again?
I just hope that the greater label won´t effect to their music and make them too commercial band, because thats one of the greatest things about SX that it has its own prog feeling and small army of fans.
I think saying that Paradise Lost & The Odyssey (special emphasis on The Odyssey here) were NOT high quality material is not fair to the band at all, especially considering what the music scene is nowadays. I could put The Odyssey, if not both of them, ahead of any album released in the past ten years. Maybe for you they're sub par compared to their earlier stuff, but that doesn't take anything away from them as stand alone albums. Impeccable musicianship, vocals, concepts etc...

I feel generous today so I'll give you the Odyssey, although it had a lot of filler. PL just sounds like all filler to me with maybe some good moments here and there. The music scene has nothing to do with the outcome of SX's albums. In 2000, the music scene was Britney Spears and Backstreet Boys. Prog Metal hasn't really changed at all in the last 20 years. How could you put PL ahead of any album in the past 10 years? Have you heard every album that has come out in the past 10 years?

The Odyssey and PL had their moments, I'll give you that.

Maybe the issue is that they're just getting old and losing steam. All of them are 45+ from what I remember right? They're losing interest. In their 25-35s they were busting out album after album (dwot, twilight, v, odyssey) but then they were like, god damn I need to take my prescriptions, vitamins, and viagra. Studio time was probably cancled a bunch of times because Lepond got his cane stuck in a sewer drain, or Romeo choked on his dulcolax.

I lol'd. I am trying to think of other bands who are SX's age who still come out with album after album but I can't think of any. DT and Rush release a ton of albums but that along with touring and such is their only job.
SX are at a prime age, and becoming like knights, hair flecked with noble grey. They are aging like fine wine.
hey guys, don't know if anyone mentioned it before, but I read on a site that Iconoclast was delayed to june 2011 (no known reason).

I'm very sad!
For the last month the band has been gearing up for a tour and that's where the focus was. Getting through a series of practices in order to knock off the rust for the band and to learning how to translate the new material from it's current form into the living breathing live beast it has to be.

This will be the second time the band will go out to support a cd that hasn't been released. Paradise Lost happened the same way. First gig was a month before the actual release of the cd. Yeah, it sucks, but that's the hand being dealt at this time. However, it could it be possible that a series of live dates along with concurrent press may generate that much more interest, but then again this is the internet and SymX has it's own built in fanbase. A fanbase that, whether you liked it or not, grew with the last release.

Actually I'm very happy to know that we'll get a chance to hear the songs before the album is released. I attended at a concert supporting PL (actually two, one before the album was released and one after), but it isnt the same now, since everyone had already listened to PL and knew the lyrics in the "before" tour. This time, people doesnt know anything, listening to the songs will be more interesting.
hey guys, don't know if anyone mentioned it before, but I read on a site that Iconoclast was delayed to june 2011 (no known reason).

I'm very sad!

Yeah, just like that japanese website said the album would come out in January. I hope someone is going to the concert tomorrow and will come here and make a post about it or put a clip on youtube. I believe the concert is in Denmark? (I don't know the geography of Europe very much).

Taking another look at their US tour, I don't see why they would go on a full North American tour without having already released the new album. I bet the new album will come out in either March or April, at least as a leak.

Who gets to decide what theaters they get to play in? I swear almost every band out there plays the same places like Blondie's in Detroit, Worcester and that Best Buy Theater in NYC. Albany just gets Papa Roach and Kidz Bop! For shame.
Contemplating how many semitones are on the album? LOL...

I'm pretty sure the guys in SX take SX very seriously. Stating that Russ would rather watch NASCAR is probably something he'd find offensive.
If I'm not mistaken, I believe SX does not work side jobs anymore. The band is enough to support them, making it the opposite of a financial burden.
Contemplating how many semitones are on the album? LOL...

I'm pretty sure the guys in SX take SX very seriously. Stating that Russ would rather watch NASCAR is probably something he'd find offensive.
If I'm not mistaken, I believe SX does not work side jobs anymore. The band is enough to support them, making it the opposite of a financial burden.

You have some pretty crazy sources though. Like where do you find out about all of this stuff? How do you know if this is a side job or not? If just releasing one album every 4-6 years is paying their bills, I am seriously jealous. If I ever start a band or whatever, I'm gonna release at least one album per year in spite of this!
The last two albums weren't what I would really call "high quality" material by any means. If every album was like DWOT or V, I would agree with you.
I think TDWOT as an album is overly mystified because of the few classic songs it features. Don't get me wrong, the title piece, "The Accolade" and "Sea Of Lies" are indispensable, but all the same the supposed filler stuff on those last two albums is nowhere near as unremarkable as "Out Of The Ashes" or "The Witching Hour". In my opinion, TO and PL are their most solid efforts album-wise and the ones I listen to the most.
You seriously think PL is better than V? DWOT isn't flawless, but I don't feel the need to skip any of the songs when playing the CD. Always talking about DWOT does remind me how underated Twlight in Olympus is though. One of these days I am going to listen to their discography from first album to last and then I'll re-judge. I admit that I get sick of Of Sins and Shadows sometimes. It's like their "smoke on the water". I listened to most of PL this afternoon and I feel like I hate it even more than yesterday. I'll give you Odyssey though, it's really a poor man's version of DWOT. It has almost the exact same structure. Some shorter songs, accolade, some filler, big 20 minute song. Odyssey doesn't have a song after the epic though.
If just releasing one album every 4-6 years is paying their bills, I am seriously jealous.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the majority of income for bands come from touring? With the rise of teh interwebs in the last decade or so leading to many people illegally downloading albums, I would suspect that this is the case. However, I know little to nothing about the music industry, so I might be very incorrect.

I think TDWOT as an album is overly mystified because of the few classic songs it features. Don't get me wrong, the title piece, "The Accolade" and "Sea Of Lies" are indispensable, but all the same the supposed filler stuff on those last two albums is nowhere near as unremarkable as "Out Of The Ashes" or "The Witching Hour". In my opinion, TO and PL are their most solid efforts album-wise and the ones I listen to the most.

I do agree with you to an extent, as I consider only three songs from Divine Wings (Accolade, the title track, and Candlelight Fantasia) to be amongst the band's best material. However, I suspect that the majority of Symphony X fans think tracks 5 through 7 (Pharaoh, Eyes of Medusa, Witching Hour) are the most "filler" from Divine Wings, with Medusa being the least filler. I've never considered Out of the Ashes a filler song; to me, it's a short, fun neoclassical romp that serves as a nice bridge between the heavy Sea of Lies and the proggy, drawn-out Accolade. It's a great live song due to its length; it's so short it can literally be squeezed almost anywhere into a set.

This brings me to another point - what songs the band plays live determines what songs they think are filler. For example, has the band ever played Pharaoh or Witching Hour live? Nope. Relic, Orion, Lady of the Snow? Nope. Absence of Light, Fool's Paradise? Nope. The Turning? Nope. Seven or Sacrifice? Nope. I'm not saying that you have to agree with what the band thinks is filler, but this is a good explanation, is it not? Oh, and I left out Rediscovery because it's obviously not filler, but the band probably doesn't want to spend 12 minutes on a song that would make no sense unless the rest of the album came before it.

Another note: I really hope the band drops Sins and Shadows and Sea of Lies from their set. Hell, throw Inferno in there, too. They're not bad songs by any means, but of all the shows I've been to I've never seen them not play these songs. They're not that strong of songs, guys...