News from Z+V

Not totally 100% sure yet, but we're aiming for late next August. The problem with this situation is lots of paperwork with very vague completion periods and short term usage dates... so August is the time we're trying to make everything work. I'm sure we'll keep everyone here updated :D

(Nice, fancy restaurant setting, focus on Zach and Vicky's table, nicely prepared small portion meals in front of them. Zach gets up from the table)
Vicky: Where are you going sweetie?
Zach: Well, there's something I want to say to you.. Even though we've only known each other for a short time, I feel like a Broken man when you aren't around. *gets on one knee* Vicky, will you do me the honor of being my one on the left<3?
Vicky: Oh Zach.. Of course!

*epically sappy kissy ending proceeds*
"Broken." :lol:

Zach, you know what your wedding song should be, right?
I just wanted to say thanks for all the supportive messages we've received since Zach and I announced our engagement. It really has meant a lot. :)

I haven't been around here as long as most of you but I'm incredibly thankful to those who made me feel so welcome and encouraged me to stick around. Without you guys Zach and I might never have met so I'm eternally grateful.

I'm so deeply in love with him; he's my soulmate, and I knew it instantly when I gazed into his eyes for the first time. We now have the colour version of our photos and I wanted to share this one with you guys. Everytime I see it it reminds me how lucky I am to be marrying Zach... and I promise to take care of him forever.


Thanks again,


295 days ;)

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
can I show up and play an epic guitar solo on the edge of a cliff like in the November Rain video?

we can leave out the part where the bride dies and everyone is sad in the rain.
im drunk so forgive me.. im very happy.. but.. its still so WEIRD haha.. total mind blow.. im sure it must be the same for u guys.. to go from 'hmm, ok i want to meet this person, to.. omg this is the one, lets get married' its always surprising and wonderful when it happens.. but still.. its gonna take a while to get used to haha..

The weirdest part for me is when I'm reminded of how long we've actually been together, just because Zach and I have become so incredibly close that it really does feel as though we've known each other years! I have never ever clicked with anyone like this, felt as comfortable around someone and been able to be 'myself', or even understood anyone as well... we even finish each other's thoughts :lol:

In all seriousness, this relationship was well underway even before i booked the flight to Washington. We didn't really make a big thing of it at the time though so i can see why it'd be such a surprise to everyone! :p
Will there be Street Fighter at the reception?

*looks back through thread at previous posts*

im drunk so forgive me.. im very happy.. but.. its still so WEIRD haha.. total mind blow.. im sure it must be the same for u guys.. to go from 'hmm, ok i want to meet this person, to.. omg this is the one, lets get married' its always surprising and wonderful when it happens.. but still.. its gonna take a while to get used to haha..

Charis, it is a bit strange for us too all things considered :lol:. Vicky's post pretty much sums it all up though so thanks for the support, it's really awesome to hear that from you :)
:) You know i'm irresistible. Unfortunately, my life of celibacy prohibits me from taking things to that next level with you :D :lol:

Yeah... hopefully someday we can meet in person so you can fucking punch me in the face. I pretty much deserve it. Then afterwords you can buy me a beer. :kickass:

I'd say 'Level up!'. :cool:

Congrats and may many a Shochu vodka grace your dining table.

I'd say 'Level up!'. :cool:

Congrats and may many a Shochu vodka grace your dining table.

:lol: Oh dude, you rock so much! :notworthy

That's fucking awesome! Haha. I totally forgot all about this. Thanks so much for finding it!!! :rock: :kickass:

Wow, it's a good job I didn't remember to punch Zach in the face or somehow I don't think we'd be getting married :lol::lol: