Best of Symx Forum '07 (aka e-penis thread)


The Professor was right
Dec 11, 2005
Seattle, WA
Alright guys, this year has been quite memorable on this forum. Lots of epic ret- jokes, the beginning of epic msn chat, etc. So let's start the nominations before the voting begins!

I don't know how everyone wants to do this, but people were talking about this shit in the other thread but no one was doing anything about it, so here we go.

Category 1: Events

Start nominating for best events / forum jokes.

Category 2: People

Start nominating people. Come up with some categories... a few would be good, but lets keep it in good humor.

Shoudl be fun. Let's go.
This could be fun, but be warned now folks, I'll shut it down if it gets stupid or overly behave. :)
Category 1:

(I cant find the original so I'm just using this)

Category 2:
Lemme get back to this.
People of the year: Z&V

Albums of the year:
- Paradise Lost
- Executioner
- Humanity Dethroned

Event of the year: May 25th!

Crappy jokes of the year:
- Playing Street Fighter
- Listening to Broken
- Mermaids
- Panini
- CD changer

Best memories associated with May 25th:
- Mitzvah tank
- "Diagonally across the street, dude!"
- Tall dude
- "Here dude, have some sand"
- "You make King Diamond want to rip his ears out"
- And of course, Ipanema :tickled:
To increase my chances at forum person of the year i am looking to get engaged to a female forumer asap.

Zach and Vix may be the Tom Cruise and Katey Holmes of this forum but which one of you ladies wants to be the Angelina to my Brad?
Friendly tip: Try & avoid nominating posting stuff that didn't happen ON the forum..if you had dinner with so and so, or such and such happened in a chat somewhere else, the rest of us just don't consider that a big deal, exciting as it may have been for you.
I dunno, I don't mind epic dinner being included. There were a lot of forumers there, meeting up and seeing the first SX show of the new tour - seems pretty relevant. And it symbolizes Ken and Matt reconciling that big argument they had on the forum.

Also, I agree, DT thread will be hard to beat for best thread! :lol:
I dunno, I don't mind epic dinner being included. There were a lot of forumers there, meeting up and seeing the first SX show of the new tour - seems pretty relevant. And it symbolizes Ken and Matt reconciling that big argument they had on the forum.

That's exactly what I meant by avoiding it being only involves a handful of forumers, which isn't fair to everyone else, and frankly, we don't care. ;) :lol: That'd be like me saying 'ohhh I wanna nominate the conversation MJR and I had on the bus in Cleveland, that was totally OMGWTFBBQFTW'..relevant as it may be, no one else was there, & I imagine no one really cares. See what I mean? Basically, a "Best of the Forum" thread needs to consist of stuff that actually happened on the forum, that we were all party to, or it's more a 'best of a few people here and there', not the forum as a whole.

That said, to keep everyone happy, let's just make one category to cover them all..'Best Off-Forum Event'. Chats, dinners, engagements..have at it. :)