Best of Symx Forum '07 (aka e-penis thread)

I give up trying to defend myself from the ego-accusers. Therefore, I nominate myself for best of everything ever. As for topics/events, I'm going to have to go with the Dream Theater thread. Or the Off Topic thread.
the epic dinner def' looked sweet but I must agree with jax.

Thread: Dream Theater thread ftw

Best saying ever: Doomsgay Sack

People: its hard to choose because there are so many intelligent, happy, contributors to this forum. I think the ones that come to name first would be Doomsday Zach and Kenneth for sure. for males anyway, I think females we have Silent Realm, Vix and CTTN who reign.
I was never in the epic chat, but I can only blame myself. :waah:

edit: No, actually I can blame my brother who uses the computer around 6 hours every day too. (Yes, we only have one computer)
^ thats coz u went gay on us n acted like a douche :lol:

EDIT: P.S. before Jax goes off at me for not being 'nice' I'm not putting him down, I mean he really did go gay on us.. you shoulda heard the things he said he wanted to do to russell allen *serious face*, and well i didn't really feel comfortable with how he talked to me so that's the reason for the douche part.. but no hard feelings poopsky!! it's just the reason why u were never brought back in :p
This is the thread for nominations, so best picture would rule :D Who's got harris and the thumbs up in central park? :lol:

And other people too! C'mon folks hehe.
Harris plus Jews?

i think there should be a best/funniest sig of the year too.
Jeff's sig, easily
I have'nt been around long enough to account for much but I do understand where Jax's is coming from. You guys are very clique...y and have stuff going on that comes to the forum but many have no idea whats up and... well... its not always fun. No insult, just saying, and I still love ya's just the same..... even the two.... dickheads..... aint givin no names :lol:

DT thread sucks for me because I just came here and was just reaching my second wind before people lost control of tactfullness and it had to be closed. :heh: I guess it was probably epic for those that were here for the whole thing but to me, if anything, it only deserves an award for example of how not to communicate

Loved the Ayreon thread regarding what vocalist had balls and who didnt, because I won........ :p .............. :rolleyes: jk, I had fun though

finding common ground with Zach and realizing he was almost human was cool, so how about an almost human award for Zach :heh:

Meedley is a great explainer of things

Kenneth is most awsome PITA and deserves at least a few awards as such :heh:

I can think of two girls that deserve a "dont go there.... dude" award ;)

The topics about the concerts were of great significance to the band, I would think. They all seemed to have nearly the same conclusions = better sound, longer sets

Vicky 'n Zach is the epitome of epicness
DT thread sucks for me because I just came here and was just reaching my second wind before people lost control of tactfullness and it had to be closed. :heh: I guess it was probably epic for those that were here for the whole thing but to me, if anything, it only deserves an award for example of how not to communicate
Dude, that's WHY we liked the DT thread! :lol: I loved watching people fight and be stupid, haha.