Creation's menace
we should pic the "finest forumer" of the year too (male and female), coz we had a "your picture" thread a few months ago if i remember correctly.
I give up trying to defend myself from the ego-accusers. Therefore, I nominate myself for best of everything ever. As for topics/events, I'm going to have to go with the Dream Theater thread. Or the Off Topic thread.
Harris plus Jews?This is the thread for nominations, so best picture would ruleWho's got harris and the thumbs up in central park?
And other people too! C'mon folks hehe.
Jeff's sig, easilyi think there should be a best/funniest sig of the year too.
Dude, that's WHY we liked the DT thread!DT thread sucks for me because I just came here and was just reaching my second wind before people lost control of tactfullness and it had to be closed.I guess it was probably epic for those that were here for the whole thing but to me, if anything, it only deserves an award for example of how not to communicate