The "Those of us who frequent this forum" thread

That's very sweet of you to say StocktontoMalone.
This meeting sounds like fun, although I am somewhat concerned about adding to the global warming by flying (my greenest friends would be angry with me, and probably rightly so) and I haven't got a passport. Not entirely ruling it out, since my brother has offered me a free flight to Florida sometime. (Probably a useless location anyway?)
Have M. A. in Philosophy from Duke to talk some philosophy.

That's really cool, man. Welcome to the forum.

Also, I would LOVE to meet up with some of you guys. I would especially like to meet Scourge of God/My Man Mahmoud/Planetary Eulogy since he's pretty much a legend by now. If any of you guys come out to the southwest (Arizona in particular) then let me know. We'll get a beer and have a debate.
i'm leaving for istanbul tomorrow. i hope i will be able to check the forum frequently enough when i'm there.
I'm back in town now; the agreeableness of my trip was certainly needed!

@derbeder: Have a safe trip as well. Also, I got my hands on a copy of The Essence of Truth... and should start making headway over the next few weeks.
I'm back in town now; the agreeableness of my trip was certainly needed!

See, you had a sacred ontological holiday. yes.

@derbeder: Have a safe trip as well. Also, I got my hands on a copy of The Essence of Truth... and should start making headway over the next few weeks.

I've recently read this too. :u-huh: Propositional truth has vanished in the horizon of being! I will definitely keep the Heidegger book thread idea in brackets (mostly because once I have it in brackets, I can cause everything old Husserl stored in those brackets to come clattering down in the first post and the racket will be terrible and the dust released will seem like an eleventh plague.)
just got my modem fixed, so hopefully i'll be around a little more when i am not out in the city.
"Mr Leopold Bloom ate with relish the inner organs of beasts and fowls. He liked thick giblet soup, nutty gizzards, a stuffed roast heart, liverslices fried with crustcrumbs, fried hencods' roes. Most of all he liked grilled mutton kidneys which gave to his palate a fine tang of faintly scented urine."

Happy Bloomsday you heathens.
As some of you know, over the past 6 months or so I have been brewing beer (from fresh ingredients, not kits). I take it quite seriously, and plan to earn at least part of my income from it in the future.

So, I was thinking that if any of us were able to get together, I would be more than happy to supply several kegs of quality brew! Unfortunately, our resident Englishman abstains from this nectar (further evidence of his queerness) so any Midwest gathering would also include children's beverages ;).
As some of you know, over the past 6 months or so I have been brewing beer (from fresh ingredients, not kits). I take it quite seriously, and plan to earn at least part of my income from it in the future.

So, I was thinking that if any of us were able to get together, I would be more than happy to supply several kegs of quality brew! Unfortunately, our resident Englishman abstains from this nectar (further evidence of his queerness) so any Midwest gathering would also include children's beverages ;).

This is interesting - best of luck with this endeavor.
Although getting to the mid-west might be an issue, were I to attend such a gathering I would nobly imbibe with vigor! Of course, I am of German and Irish heritage...alas, what else could I do?:kickass:
I'm not attacking him, I just don't see what's so shit-hot about him.

Among the postmoderns, he's pretty good. Problem: he finds little direction.

Favorite author... ONE FAVORITE? I can't answer that.

Blaphbee is more schooled in the eternal arts than he is in modern literature, so to him I'd recommend Conrad and Houllebecq.
i'm getting married next week, so i have been pretty busy these days. once things are settled i'll be able to hang around here more often.