The "Those of us who frequent this forum" thread

*crickets* Sure is um...quite around here of late *coyote howls...*

Yeah, I havent really read any threads of interest lately. Im quite stretched for time too, and cannot put the effort into being half-way intelligent on these matters anymore.

Derbeder, your wife looks lovely; but more importantly, she looks like a very kind and warm person (intuition upon looking at her picture).


Onde gets attacked by a snake, egads!
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For forum regulars:

I seem to be perennially about to get married (finally I have a fixed date of July 12th). Anyhow, in January Onde Aander (above) and myself shall be holding an engagement party in the Milwaukee area. Since it has often been mentioned that we should have an "UM Philosopher board" gathering (ye, and verily), I would like to extend an invitation to any regulars who would like to attend.

I would also like to take this opportunity to congratulate Speed on his recent engagement and the devilishly Romantic fashion of his proposal.


I'd post pictures of us, but you'd all hate me.
I miss Ojeblikket. I feel sure he would say something rippingly cruel and amusing here, aimed at either you are I. :lol:

You should post your poem of Speedian seduction. Yes.

(passing thought: the board seems much healthier of late)
I miss Ojeblikket. I feel sure he would say something rippingly cruel and amusing here, aimed at either you are I. :lol:

You should post your poem of Speedian seduction. Yes.

(passing thought: the board seems much healthier of late)

Yes, he kept us on our toes didnt he? Give em' a few weeks and he;ll swoop in with some amusing cutting remarks as usual.

Did I send you that sonnet? I cant remember. Anyway, yes, I am blissfully happy and engaged to a young model-poet.
Ah...young love! I vaguely recall something like that before I became, in time, a bitter old curmudgeon:erk:.
Anyway - congratulations to both of you! :kickass:
Big congratulations to both of you. I've always been too stuck up in my own egomaniac projects in life to have the time to fuck around and find someone to do more than fuck around with (and this probably discloses in-a-non-Heideggerian-way my still quite young age) but I hope that I'll get over that sometime.

I remember Onde Aander from the once rather nice ANUS-board, at the time when I still was a confused metal head with strange ideological leanings that actually thought Also Sprach Zarathustra was a good book. Glad I'm over that. I've sometimes wondered what became of some of the people that used to frequent the board. Now I at least now that miss Aander became happily engaged with the Obscuraloving Nile. Great =).

And since Onde Aander is in danish, is she danish too?

Speed, post some of your writings!
Big congratulations to both of you. I've always been too stuck up in my own egomaniac projects in life to have the time to fuck around and find someone to do more than fuck around with (and this probably discloses in-a-non-Heideggerian-way my still quite young age) but I hope that I'll get over that sometime.

I remember Onde Aander from the once rather nice ANUS-board, at the time when I still was a confused metal head with strange ideological leanings that actually thought Also Sprach Zarathustra was a good book. Glad I'm over that. I've sometimes wondered what became of some of the people that used to frequent the board. Now I at least now that miss Aander became happily engaged with the Obscuraloving Nile. Great =).

And since Onde Aander is in danish, is she danish too?

Speed, post some of your writings!

Thanks all.

Some doe-eyed lass will capture your heart eventually when you least expect it--wash away all that cynicism. Then you'll be past the path of becoming, and into being.

Congrats to Nile too. We're either idiots, or very lucky.

Um, Im in the midst of writers block and an existential crisis (perhaps related?), due to my new job. So, my writing has dried up. Others on this site have read drafts of stories a novel or novella of mine. Humorously enough, I had my masters thesis published in Greece, and for sale on Amazon for a few years until it was dropped for lack of sales. Its still being sold in one or two bookshops I know of in Greece. While my half-hearted attempts to get my fiction published have all met with total failure.

How does one post a pic on this site without a url? I dont remember having problems in the past.
I will be absent from the board for the next two weeks due to pressing commitments. I look forward to continuing the discussions and readings we've begun.

Also, I have notified the admins that Blowtus and Norsemaiden will be our new mods, so that changeover should take effect very soon.
Hm, is she of Danish ancestoral origin? Not a name one comes across very often around the States.

Maybe you already knew this and I'm misunderstanding you, but Onde Aander (or Onde Åndar/Onda Andar) is Danish for the Dostoyevsky novel that you Englishmen/Americans call The Possessed, so I doubt that it's her name =P.
Maybe you already knew this and I'm misunderstanding you, but Onde Aander (or Onde Åndar/Onda Andar) is Danish for the Dostoyevsky novel that you Englishmen/Americans call The Possessed, so I doubt that it's her name =P.

I dont have any Danish. My favorite Dostoevsky novel though. Its choppy and disorganized and the prose is especially rushed even for Dostoevsky, but the ideas, characters, and some passages within are I think really the best work he ever did.