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Agreed on the 'negotiations dragging out, therefore probably not one of 'our' bands' hypothesis, which probably means that, e,g., Brainstorm or Kamelot can be ruled out as Glenn's first shot. So, maybe Nocturnal Rites? After Forever?

If Glenn's negotiations fail, WELL then..... The portal swings wide open. Symphony X, Brainstorm, maybe even Therion......nahh, I'm reaching on that last one.....someone get me a stepladder. :D
I kinda stuck on Glenn's statement that "Sometimes you have to create headliners instead of booking headliners."

When I first read that I assumed it meant that a band that normally wouldn't be headliner status would be promoted to the position with some kind of extras to round out the night like last years finale (only with working mics this time). But the more I think about it the more I wonder if this is another WoMD/Conception thing? It would certainly explain the delay in booking the event if he was trying to put a band back together for a one-off appearance.

So far I'm stumped as to who it could be but that's the track my brain is taking these days.


Edit: I'll guess Allen/Lande (just because that would be a dream come true for me). Getting Russell Allen, Jorn Lande and Magnus Karlsson together for a one-off show in the states would be a major feat. It would also fit the "controversial" statement. They will have a new album out by then...
Brainstorm and Symphony X either one is good, but too many repeat bands already this year.
Seriously, just get Meshuggah to close out the festival.

Have them open with New Millenium Cyanide Christ, play Catch 33 in its entirety, play one or two more songs and close out with I.
I thought that Messiah was back in the band as of this week?

And Im not a huge POS fan I just think if I were betting it might be them...
My guess is Ayreon or Avantasia. Thus the difficulty in getting back. =p

By the way. The more controversy the better. Maybe. Unless it was one of the twenty bands I love and have suggested as headliner ;p
I thought that Messiah was back in the band as of this week?
The last thing I saw, was this story on Blabbermouth, that the hunt for a new singers is still ongoing.

And Im not a huge POS fan I just think if I were betting it might be them...
Well, their selection would certainly be controversial. And, I could see negotiations dragging on with them, as Daniela has vowed not to return to the US because of our current airport security policies. And, they do have a new disc coming out. And, Glenn is a PoS fanboy. So, it's possible.

Agreed. It seems that a few of Glenn's comments are meant to imply something along the lines of: "sorry guys, but its not SX." I may be wrong here, but that's just what I'm feeling out of this. I know many are still holding out hope that it will be SX, but some have clearly read Glenn's comments and still actually believe it will be SX. I'm not sure I understand why that is...

Because Glenn is about as predictable as a tornado! :lol: I'm hanging on to the idea of SX, because I believe they are his backup plan. With that said, it's 90% wishful thinking on my part I have to admit. I've seen SX once when they opened for Queensryche, which wasn't much, so I want to see them put on a big set.
I would say fan instead of fanboy as I thought "Be" was a piece of shit. However, "Scarsick" is awesome and a welcome return to form.
Fair enough.

I actually plan to give the new one a chance (I do with all their discs). Like the saying goes, there's a thin line between love and hate. I suspect these guys might one day cross over for me.

I would say fan instead of fanboy as I thought "Be" was a piece of shit. However, "Scarsick" is awesome and a welcome return to form.

Actually there are many people who like this album and don't like anything else by Pain of Salvation, I don't think it is truly deserving of the "fanboy only" tag it is often given. It's true that BE gets it fair share of criticism in this forum, but it's all a matter of taste not devotion.
Yeah but one can like all the albums without being a fanboy, right? I don't mean to be an ass, there is nothing but appreciation for the work you do so the last thing I want to portray myself as is a "Glenn troll"
You are right, but my definition of fanboy is one that does like everything the band does. That fits within the context of my conversation with Zod. Why you continue to make a mountain out of a molehill with my posts is something that I'm not concerned with provided you do it in an intelligent manner (and you do)..
lol Yeah I use to post there and not only are they fanboys, but extremely arrogant ones too.