nomana-nuniyan Heyoka watching Trona Sep 18, 2003 1,203 0 36 directly under Ben Visit site Dec 26, 2004 #301 huh?
nomana-nuniyan Heyoka watching Trona Sep 18, 2003 1,203 0 36 directly under Ben Visit site Dec 26, 2004 #302 hey, I got the 300th reply above. Q, what are you talking about? what hurts and what about yourself, what?
hey, I got the 300th reply above. Q, what are you talking about? what hurts and what about yourself, what?
Maqus pocket frictionary Jul 21, 2004 3,806 0 36 BUD-DEB-BUD Dec 27, 2004 #303 Nothing. But how come you ask a question like "what are you talking about"? I have no idea what you're talking about in 90% of the cases.
Nothing. But how come you ask a question like "what are you talking about"? I have no idea what you're talking about in 90% of the cases.