
Faelivrin is from elfish language and in english means something like " sun reflex" the elf who had this name was a beautiful woman =} i don't remember it well.. but probably she was kinswoman of Luthien Tinuviel. Luthien was the most beautiful elf ever. And she felt with love with human... but this is other long storyy..... ychhyy
Allan said:
When I first got here I thought Bastet was supposed to be this trendy way of spelling bastard or sth :p , confused I was, didn't really fit with you being so nice and all.
i thought it was like bastet's........oh no im dislexic....:lol: i thought it was a mis-spelling of bassett like the liquorice allsorts only missing an s like basett...shit i need to sort my head out.
marginalé said:
my name comes from marginal, cause thats what i am :grin: (you know, i slept on the streets of london, that confirmes it)

That's nothing, I slept for six hours by the side of the train tracks in Liestal once, and captured a hedgehog for some time.

'Light' is... stuff... innit....
Don Corleone said:
you know what, dunc i always wanted to tell you: "the argument" is really an excellent album

Damn right. i need to buy it again on cd cos my vinyl is warped now. i hope they get around to doing another album someday. You know they have recordings of nearly all the gigs on DAT? Surely theres a killer live album amongst that lot.