

But only lately.....
Oct 6, 2003
South Africa
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Don't know if this has been done before but i thought what the hell. What does you nick mean, where did you come up with it. I came up with mine after i absolutely adored Metallica, i still do, but i am talking about pre 1990's., then this bullshit about napster and now the worst album of all time .... wait for it ...
and the winner is ... ta da, ST Horseshit errr, i mean St Anger :)
oh well I have this nickname now since 98, its not very original but I just love dragons... they are a symbol of freedom, fantasy, strenght, mystery etc for me :) I have dragon statues and posters everywhere in my home, also a dragon tattoo... I'm obsessed ;)
from an excellent comic strip (actually, all the characters are skeletons :lol: )

i've always been intrigued with the anatomy images used by Carcass, as well the the fact that the Necroticism-Heartwork era has produced the finest of British deathmetal ever.
I used to see this bird (falcon) when I was a little child all the time, nesting on a nearby
tree, looked at him for years, so we became one lol, his spirit is in me I am the falconspirit :lol:
Cloudy dream is actually the tittle of one of the songs I have written(Cloudy dreams to be precise) around 3 years ago using a program called Music 2000.It's actually a not so difficult to learn and use program for music creation.Now there are a lot better programs you can use...

This song is actually the best I have written and it's a ambient,electro-atmosperic song....not rock at all! :p
yeh,this thread has been couple of times before but anyway:wave:
Always affected by my problematic dream world,i wanted a nickname to imply something about it,about nightmares.So this name came up while i was studying Penal Law 2 years before.that book was full of latin terms.It just popped in me head.It means "a dream in the dark(ness)".

later it gave me an idea about some a small,tiny tribute to the comic Masterpiece "The Sandman"by Neil Gaiman.
Sopel said:
i've had my nickname since i was 8 or 9. it is from my surname "sobstel", somone just started to call me "sopel" (english "Icicle").

:OMG: two years i thought this was your real name:ill: whats your real name then?:erk:
I use this nick ever since that old times in IRC (some 7/8 years ago).

Achernar - Meaning "End of the River":

ACHERNAR (Alpha Eridani). There are 21 classical "first magnitude" stars in the sky. Of these, 10 are so bright that in modern times they had to be placed into even brighter categories, seven into "zeroth" magnitude (the brightest of which is Alpha Centauri) and two, Canopus and Sirius, into the exclusive "minus-first magnitude" group. Of these 10, Achernar ranks number nine, right behind Procyon in Canis Minor and just beating out Betelgeuse in Orion. Achernar, however, is nowhere nearly as well known to northerners, as it is a deep southern star, visible only to those who live below 32 degrees north latitude, and easily noted only from the tropics and south. The name, from an Arabic phrase, means "the end of the river," as appropriate for the star that ends the southerly flow of Eridanus, the River, the celestial depiction of River Ocean, a meandering flow of mostly faint stars that originates with Cursa, on which Orion rests his foot. Appropriate to its brilliance, Achernar is also the Alpha star, while Cursa, number two, is the Beta. Achernar is so far south that it was not originally part of this long, thin constellation, which originally ended at Acamar (Theta Eridani), from which Achernar took its name when the river was allowed in more modern times to flow farther to the south. Achernar, a hot class B star, is the hottest of the top ten, rather handily beating out Rigel in Orion. Yet surprisingly, for such a bright star, its temperature is not well known, various measures running from 14,500 to 19,300 Kelvin. From its distance of 144 light years, the lower temperature gives a luminosity 2900 times that of the Sun, while the upper gives 5400 (the difference caused in part by different estimates of the amount of ultraviolet radiation). The radius then ranges between 8.5 to 6.6 times solar. Interferometer measures show the star to be distinctively flattened, the result of a minimum 225 kilometer-per- second rotation speed. The minor and major axes are respectively measured to be 7.6 by 11.8 Suns across, for an average of 9.9 Suns, which agrees better with that derived from the lower temperature. The higher temperature, however, is more in tune with that indicated by the spectral class. The temperature problem probably has to do with the Achernar's high spin velocity, which helps turn it into a "Be," or "B-emission" star that has a belt of emitting gas circulating in its equator, Achernar losing mass at a rate thousands of times that of the Sun. As a result, the diameter and temperature are both hard to determine. Achernar is also a member of a peculiar class of "Lambda Eridani" stars that show tiny but very regular periodic light variations that may be caused by actual complex pulsations or by rotation and dark "starspots." No one really knows. We do know, however, that Achernar is massive, containing six to eight times the solar mass. It is now normally fusing hydrogen into helium in its deep core and will eventually die as a massive white dwarf like Sirius- B. :D
My nickname is a tribute to Sailor Moon. Sailor Jupiter is one of the Sailor Scouts who is a brown-haired Saggitarian (like me). She can also shoot lightning out of her hands :Spin: I used to be a diehard fan of the TV series and the manga. Another nickname I could have used is Tori. That name was given to me by my friend who always said I looked like Tori Amos. :p