Night Is The New Day album sales....

With an album like this there's no reason why it shouldn't be selling at least in the ballpark of Opeth numbers, and imo above that. As I've said before I think Roadrunner would be the surest way to somewhat achieve this. By this point in my life I'm used to things of true quality going unrecognized. It's just a sad fact of life.


NITND is far and away superior to Watershed for me. Funny with Opeth how their worst material is also their best selling. I guess with obscure bands, this is the way the cookie crumbles.
NITND is far and away superior to Watershed for me. Funny with Opeth how their worst material is also their best selling. I guess with obscure bands, this is the way the cookie crumbles.

Last I checked Blackwater Park was Opeth's biggest seller. Though I don't have recent Soundscan numbers on Watershed.
I'm pretty certain the last two records outsold BWP by now. That would make the most sense considering album sales numbers usually coincide with a band's rising popularity.