Nightingale-White Darkness Lyrical waste

there's a whole lot of people like this

just to put my two cents in this(after some personal developement on a spiritual level from when i posted long ago in the "dan do you question..." thread

it's really not about whether god exists or's about how you define your god is false because your god is your link with the universe and everyone has on because we are part of the universe.
furthermore you see christian believers overcome troubles in their life with the help of jesus, you see faith healers succeed and they're doing it with the help of god but then there are jews and muslims that also get their prayers answered and there are jewish and muslim healers too and then there are buddhists that do extraordinary things and there are the ancient mayas and the native american rain dancers.

my point is that wishing and praying and meditating is done the same way by all humans and it seems that who you pray to doesn't even matter
if you believe hard enough that the flying spaghetti monster can heal wounds it will.

i personally see god as the universe itself as a whole and everything in it as parts of it and everything is thing is my belief(which is not really a belief it's more of a knowledge) is explained by science...quantum physics to be exact.

it's kind of wierd because people who believe in the god described in the scriptures/bible/kuran or whatever will see me as an atheist since i deny completely the idea that god has a will therfore deny the god described in the holy books.on the other hand atheists would call me a believer because i do believe in some sort of entity.

Interestingly enough, this is actually pretty close to my views on the subject.
very interesting. Rene Descartes also felt that for an infinite, allpowerful, allknowing being to exist, it would necessarily have to contain within it all the universe that it supposedly created. For in containing that as itself, it embodies completeness and perfection.

Hmm... I guess I'll have to look through my wives books. I know she has some Descartes. Should be an interesting read. :)
I believe I talked here before about me being psychic and more specifically I have the power of foresight/prediction call it what you like...and i have been getting stronger over the years...lately(i'm talking about last three weeks) i've noticed a sudden increase in my's still quite rough but I can partially see for distances like so far i guessed the color/s of a shirt and pants (and underwear) in another country...also I might have some sort of healing power...i haven't cured the people but relieved or removed their pain. but that's beside the point

my faith i've spoken about is an interresting story on its own...i've been forming this for the past few months and the friday a week ago i hung out with my friends and told them about some of my discoveries and the increase in my powers and i said i do it through this kind of field that my brainwaves somehow affect, it's not a magnetic field but something unexplainable that's just there everywhere in all of space and time so one of them told me that it sounds like something from a book he read...the book is called "the field" by lynne mctaggart he borrowed me his copy and this is either a coincidence that i found the same explanations to the same phenomena(in slightly different words) or this is my first book prediction...anyway it's all there. it's a good read and it blows your mind...go brain power!
it explains blessings, cursing someone, jealousy, psychic abilities etc. with quantum physics.
I believe I talked here before about me being psychic and more specifically I have the power of foresight/prediction call it what you like...and i have been getting stronger over the years...lately(i'm talking about last three weeks) i've noticed a sudden increase in my's still quite rough but I can partially see for distances like so far i guessed the color/s of a shirt and pants (and underwear) in another country...also I might have some sort of healing power...i haven't cured the people but relieved or removed their pain. but that's beside the point
Heh. Sounds like we might have somewhat similar experiences to share... I'll pm you at some point. :)

my faith i've spoken about is an interresting story on its own...i've been forming this for the past few months and the friday a week ago i hung out with my friends and told them about some of my discoveries and the increase in my powers and i said i do it through this kind of field that my brainwaves somehow affect, it's not a magnetic field but something unexplainable that's just there everywhere in all of space and time so one of them told me that it sounds like something from a book he read...the book is called "the field" by lynne mctaggart he borrowed me his copy and this is either a coincidence that i found the same explanations to the same phenomena(in slightly different words) or this is my first book prediction...anyway it's all there. it's a good read and it blows your mind...go brain power!
it explains blessings, cursing someone, jealousy, psychic abilities etc. with quantum physics.
I've heard good things about that book elsewhere too and it's on my to-read list... Don't know when I'll actually get to it though. :p But I guess I should move it closer to the top of the list now.
>>>>Umm... I'll just list one of your statements contradicting this (there are plenty more). If I was a believer in the Norse Gods (which wouldn't be far fetched, considering where I'm from), you just disrespected me by saying:<<<<

Now, thats funny. Considering Odin is Norse mythology, I think most people will say he is false of common sense. Whats really funny is.. instead of coming up with a strong input on this subject you just want to stir up more trouble and accusations.

A popular radio show host said last week, The North where you live is becoming a haven for Godless degeneerate people and Jezabels who will give them self to any man. How does that strike you?
>>>>Umm... I'll just list one of your statements contradicting this (there are plenty more). If I was a believer in the Norse Gods (which wouldn't be far fetched, considering where I'm from), you just disrespected me by saying:<<<<

Now, thats funny. Considering Odin is Norse mythology, I think most people will say he is false of common sense. Whats really funny is.. instead of coming up with a strong input on this subject you just want to stir up more trouble and accusations.

A popular radio show host said last week, The North where you live is becoming a haven for Godless degeneerate people and Jezabels who will give them self to any man. How does that strike you?

Quit being a homosexual and send your WD to Fuentealba since you have no use for it!
>>>>Umm... I'll just list one of your statements contradicting this (there are plenty more). If I was a believer in the Norse Gods (which wouldn't be far fetched, considering where I'm from), you just disrespected me by saying:<<<<

Now, thats funny. Considering Odin is Norse mythology, I think most people will say he is false of common sense. Whats really funny is.. instead of coming up with a strong input on this subject you just want to stir up more trouble and accusations.

A popular radio show host said last week, The North where you live is becoming a haven for Godless degeneerate people and Jezabels who will give them self to any man. How does that strike you?
you ARE contradicting yourself bro.

You said you respect other people's beliefs, but this post shows that you don't. On top of that, the last paragraph is blatant trolling. You and I both know that's an untrue statement.

I believe, like you do, that Jesus Christ is who he said he was, and that he is God. Would it be nice if lots of other people thought so too? Yeah. But I'm not going to piss on people who don't feel that way. That's not exactly a very Christian attitude to be having. These are our brothers. Have some respect. You aren't showing yourself as a very good example, and in doing so, what you think your righteous anger is accomplishing- is not. You're just pissing them off and turning them off even more to what you believe, because you come across as arrogant and forceful.
Kenneth: Judging by your last comment, Theres no way you are a Christian. I havent "pissed" on anyone. You are turning things around on me and everyone else because you love the music and you dont want to HEAR anyone saying you have to choose. But, guess what Brother.. YOU DO. Read your bible. You cant live two lives. Its not extreme, its the word and to say otherwise is blasphemy Brother. Do you go to Church every Sunday? Have you been saved and babtized? Me standing up for the Gods word is NOT arrogance. You go too far. I feel sorry for you. Thats all Im gonna say on it. To all those with good intentions: If I offended you in any way it wasnt intentional. I apologize. No one is perfect. We all have different personalities.
Gar, please don't assume things about me that you don't know. If I must (and this is beyond silly, as even Paul writes in his letters) justify myself, I am a member of the church, have been baptized at my own choice, and am an active member of the worship leaders band. I enjoy talking to people about faith and my personal stories, but you seem so very judgmental.

I like Nightingale and I like the Swan&#246; guys, Erik and Tom. They're very nice people and I enjoy their music. The most recent album I also enjoy, though I can't relate as much to the lyrics because it has a "breakup" theme to it, full of pain and emotions that I once knew very well, but don't feel right now. Right now my life is very very good, and I am very happy, so the album doesn't strike a personal chord with me. I do think it's well done and I like the new songs though!
>>>>Umm... I'll just list one of your statements contradicting this (there are plenty more). If I was a believer in the Norse Gods (which wouldn't be far fetched, considering where I'm from), you just disrespected me by saying:<<<<

Now, thats funny. Considering Odin is Norse mythology, I think most people will say he is false of common sense. Whats really funny is.. instead of coming up with a strong input on this subject you just want to stir up more trouble and accusations.
The purpose of my comment was not to stir up more trouble and accusations. I was merely proving my point. In my opinion believing in Odin as a god is just as valid as believing in the Christian god.

A popular radio show host said last week, The North where you live is becoming a haven for Godless degeneerate people and Jezabels who will give them self to any man. How does that strike you?
Do you really and truly believe that statement? Do you believe any statement that comes from a certain source, without even questioning it? If so, you've proved my point once again.

Just to make myself clear. It is not the fact that you are Christian that makes me want to continue this discussion. I have nothing against Christianity, or any other religion for that matter. I know lots of Christian people (and some of other religions too), and I enjoy their company. What I am slightly annoyed about is the fact that you believe yourself to be so open-minded when in fact you are extremely narrow-minded. I just wish that you could open your eyes. But I believe that there's nothing I can say or do to make you see it, so I might just as well give up.

I just wanted to add some of my background. I was raised in a Christian society, with Christian values. I had a preschool teacher that read to us from the bible every day. I have read the bible myself, although not recently, but I did that with "open eyes". So I am not totally unfamiliar with the bible and Christianity.
God is for weak people that are to afraid to make their own decisions in life.
Believe in yourself man! Or, believe in what you want but don't bother me with your beliefs. All religions are man made!
now now everyone...
didn't jesus say "Let He Who Is Without Sin Cast The First Stone"?

and besides... if we go by the good (or not so good) book, we can listen to all the christ bashing music we want, beg forgiveness and god will grant it to us?

as I see the lyrics, they are written from one persons perspective, and I find nothing wrong with that.
Some have a need to believe in something, other people rely on science.

who can condemn who? all we really can do is share our belifs and hope that someone might find in them something to help their way.

oh, and here's the lyrics. Now go buy the album all you downloaders!

now I know nothing's ever what it seems
money talks
now i see religion screams
I believe in what I hear and what I see
and in myself, the king of my own destiny

the angels of heaven, the demons of hell
are creatures we had to create
why are you scared to see who you are
and be in control of your life, and fate

I can't see why you choose to dedicate
all of your life to assure you enter heavens gate

I can't say that I am right and you are wrong
but common sense can tell a truth or two
All those lives lost in battle of belief
it's all because you were born to believe in
different lies

the angels of heaven, the demons of hell
are creatures we had to create
why are you scared to see who you are
and be in control of your life, and fate
If god is above us and satan beneath
we all belong here on earth
Cause noone is good or evil to the core
we all have our halos and horns to bear.