Katatonia - Where does the darkness come from?

You disgust the pryor.

Giving internet drama queens reason. Like the internet is not already over run by retards. Isn't it enough!?! Now she's playing herself off as trying to be funny when she is clearly not. For-shame!

It's gonna be a while before your can look yourself straight in the mirror again. Buddy.

Ok people here is the thing. She obviously doesn't care to change. So as james would say, "we're just giving her fuel for her fire." She obviously thrives off this drama bs. So my suggestion is either ignore her or if you can't do that just block her simple ass. It's really that simple. Last thing i'm gonna say on this issue.


See pryor? he is not amused.

lol I disgust what?

All i'm saying is that crybabies are annoying and she makes a good point when she says that. But it is not the case with My Hearse your Arms, the guy is just asking for some answers and he should be respected, you can't label him as a ''crybaby'' or not a ''real man'' for that post. Anyways i'm done with this shit, gonna go out and have some cheap vodka, etc.
This is making my day I think...
I havent been on here for few days and Its a fucking free for all.
Its ironic because I was telling someone else on GMD that the Katatonia forums had great advice on bands etc. and cool laid back down to earth people on there...
The fist**** comment was just out of hand and you guys are taking things WAY overboard.
KittyKatatonia is a faggot troll that you'll probably never see again so lets....start from scratch and stop the mindless name calling. Holy shit!
Is it your time of the month again? Holy crap this is out of hand.

1.) It's fine for men to have emotions. But they don't have to be crybabies about it.
2.) I'm aware this is the Katatonia forum. It says it in bold letters right on the top of the screen...it's pretty tough to miss. And I honestly don't mind people discussing their feelings, but when somebody says something really cheesy and lame, it cracks me up and it makes for great comedy. You guys really need to do more laughing and less crying and whining. You'll find it'll work wonders for your bitchy mood swings.

People can have emotions and discuss their feelings, but because of HOW he said it, it is suddenly funny? Sorry girl, that is retarded logic. There is a big difference between "choosing" to "whine" about something, and having a disease such as depression where despite attempts to have a better time or laugh a lot as you advise nothing helps all that much. You need to be more careful with what you say...what you think is funny is obviously NOT funny to most of the people here, so you are in the minority here and need to get a fucking clue.
I didn't read other posts from kittykatatonia, but referring to the "darth vader" reply I didn't feel that too offensive as you guys thought? maybe just her previous behaviors made you guys judge she were offensive at that reply?

anyway I like peaceful discussions buut I gotta admit I sometime enjoy this kind of flaming post, well perhaps this is the dark side of me :)
Why should she be careful with what she says? I think people should be able to say whatever they want, and this forum is not an exception. It's just a matter of how people cope with these posts. People like KittyKatatonia choose to act like a bitch and she is taking the responsibility. Which is that most of the message board users don't like her anymore. That's the consequence for her, and it's her choice. I think people here shouldn't be so overemotional about this. I'm not refering to the stories themselves but the jokes about them.

Edit: and about the clinical depression thing, why do people have to feel sorry for themselves because of this? Or why does everyone has to take this in consideration before talking to someone who has 'clinical depression'. I wouldn't even want people to do this with me. I know, not everyone is like me, but it's still something to think about don't you think?
I think everyone is blowing this way out of proportion. If anyone else had made the darth vader comment it would have been brushed off, but since it was kitty that made it and since nearly everybody here has some beef with kitty then its obviously her making a personal attack. holy shit guys, just ignore it if it bothers you that much. you dont actually know her personally, so what does her opinion matter?
i'm not going to take sides because this is a fucking retarded waste of everybody's time. and yeah kitty may have been in the wrong to make certain comments but it's no reason to ruin the original discussion.

And if you guys want to see a real man, watch Star Trek: The Next Generation. Jean Luc Picard is all the man anyone will ever need.
In Sin City there is that guy that puts the other guy in the piss water...she exclaimed he's a real man.

So....put someones face in piss water=man.
Why should she be careful with what she says? I think people should be able to say whatever they want, and this forum is not an exception.

But of course, everyone is entitled to his/her opinion.

Thing is, what good comes of making fun of someone else's problems? Is it ok just because we're on the net?

What kind of value does it creat? A laugh?

F*cking fantastic.
Yikes! Ever hear of paragraphs?

For the record, my "tough guy" has never hit me and he never will. If I thought there was even a chance of that I would never be with him to begin with. I just like my men to act like men, not fragile little boys. You can assume all you want to about me and my life outside of this board, but none of what you said is true. Most people find me funny and interesting to be around, except uptight people like you seem to be. I think you should pull your Katatonia collection out of your ass and try to have a little more fun on the board. If you can't find any humor in some weirdo saying he's close to the dark side and me calling him Darth Vader...then I feel sorry for you. Or maybe you're more of a Star Trek fan? :Smug:

If you have something constructive to say, say it, otherwise, please shut the fuck up. Thank you.

I personally have an aversion to light, due to the fact that my senses are somewhat overactive. I get overwhelmed and stressed out if I'm somewhere too bright or busy. It's not something I enjoy, but there is a clinical reason behind it.

Also, I personally don;t want to know what happened to Jonas etc. I think the stories he tells in his songs are enough for me. Good post though Your Hearse.

