Nightingale-White Darkness Lyrical waste


Nov 11, 2005
The blatant bashing of belief in God on this album really shocked me. I guess all who listen to this are believers in nothing or in false gods like Odin. I cannot call myself a fan anymore- never before has Nightingale done this. I dont care what anyone thinks in here, its just my take.
:lol: if you're so blinded by your faith that you can't respect differences of opinion, how are you anywhere near credible enough for any of us to bother wasting out times listening to this garbage you take so seriously?
I agree. Just because someone disagrees is no reason to be so offended. I'm a Christian but I am confident/secure/whatever you want to call it enough to not be bothered by others opinions, in fact I think it is best that people come to their own conclusions on the question on is-there/who-is God? I'm not out to bash my beliefs on anybody and I think the new album is really well done. It reveals strong personal emotions, and that takes guts to do. I respect that.
Your already way out in left field my friend. I said nothing of respecting someones beliefs. I DO respect others beliefs. Swanos.. anyones. IM SAYING why would I listen to something that puts belief in God on the Down? If you can listen to that song with pleasure in your heart and arent offended you arent Christian man- Im sorry. Plenty of people call themselves Christians. But, are they really?
YIf you can listen to that song with pleasure in your heart and arent offended you arent Christian man- Im sorry. Plenty of people call themselves Christians. But, are they really?

This is where you cross the line of simply explaining your own point of view and venture into what I'd consider foolishly judgmental territory.
And anyway, I don't think Dan is dissing God outright on the record at all, just saying his opinion on the subject, which is fine by me. There's a difference between Nightingale and The Project Hate or Akercocke, gar :lol:
IM SAYING why would I listen to something that puts belief in God on the Down? If you can listen to that song with pleasure in your heart and arent offended you arent Christian man- Im sorry.

come on man, don't take it so seriously...
I'm an atheist and just the other day I found a melodic death band called Schaliach... guess what their lyrics are about? yeah they are all about praising the Lord! It didn't bother me at all tho... in fact it's quite fun to blast some of their songs and growl stuff like "God Loves Mankind!!!" lol... :kickass:
Your already way out in left field my friend. I said nothing of respecting someones beliefs. I DO respect others beliefs. Swanos.. anyones. IM SAYING why would I listen to something that puts belief in God on the Down? If you can listen to that song with pleasure in your heart and arent offended you arent Christian man- Im sorry.

Plenty of people call themselves Christians. But, are they really?

Well plenty of people are living a self re-enforced delusion! I mean come on, you think there's an invisible man living in the sky and he sees all, knows all, and if you don't follow his rules, he sends you to an awful burning place and you'll suffer forever?!? ...... But he loves you!? :lol:

Dan writes a great song and you get offended? That's so Christian to stick your head in the sand and ignore people who raise questions about your belief. If there is a god he's a D student, at best. With this fucked up world we live in. Look outside the box.
Maybe you better stick to Michael W. Smith :headbang: :kickass: :puke:
There's open minded Christianity, if you didn't notice.

Personally, I'm an atheist, and a fairly strong one at that. I love the music of Dissection, despise their beliefs. Similarly, I have nothing against christian music. I was listening to a Jewish reggae singer, who's beliefs I similarly despise. However I'm not so closed minded that it causes me to discount the music as bad. There's a difference between agreable music and agreable lyrics.
The blatant bashing of belief in God on this album really shocked me. I guess all who listen to this are believers in nothing or in false gods like Odin. I cannot call myself a fan anymore- never before has Nightingale done this. I dont care what anyone thinks in here, its just my take.


you can't be for real

do you know what music you listen to? who the fuck listens to dan swano for years of their life and find criticism and the questioning of organized religion in his music shocking?

people like you were probably the same ones in germany who were shocked... shocked!!!... when they found out about the holocaust after world war ii, in spite of all those jewish people they knew disappearing without a trace

gotta grow up man. your religion has made you stupid, and i think even your pastors probably don't intend for you to be so blind about the world around you, much less about the music you listen to

PS- gotta drop the questioning how "christian" someone is. that kind of fear mongering about commitment only works within a specific group dynamic, like, say, communists accusing each other of being petit bourgeoisie or deviasionist or the like. it just confuses everyone on the board when you say shit like that

edit: curious... how old are you? im not going to dismiss your opinion or anything if you're a young person, just wondering

edit 2: you're not really lord k trolling, right? i have this strong suspicion that you are :)
you mean him? you want gar to quote the lines in the lyrics that "blatantly bash" belief in god? or was this directed at me somehow?

by the way gar, have you noticed that White Darkness is dedicated to a satanist? :p This album is eeeeeeevilllllllllllllllll.

Dan said:
I can't say that I am right and you are wrong

Apparently, Gar can...
Well plenty of people are living a self re-enforced delusion! I mean come on, you think there's an invisible man living in the sky and he sees all, knows all, and if you don't follow his rules, he sends you to an awful burning place and you'll suffer forever?!? ...... But he loves you!? :lol:

Dan writes a great song and you get offended? That's so Christian to stick your head in the sand and ignore people who raise questions about your belief. If there is a god he's a D student, at best. With this fucked up world we live in. Look outside the box.
Maybe you better stick to Michael W. Smith :headbang: :kickass: :puke:
That's cute. Unfortunately for your generalization, people like gar give people like me this bad reputation.

We are not stupid, we are not easily offended, and I could discuss those other matters and questions with you but this isn't the place or time. In short, Christians are not as arrogant and blockheaded as many people believe. There are raving idiots who help promote that false image.
Hey I usually just check these forums for updates from dan and stay out of discussions as you can see from my post count, but I found this thread funny enough to warrant one..

There are alot of christians (mainly catholics) who are easily offended when their beliefs are put in question. What I gathered from the lyricist here is we should look more closely into our beliefs and filter out the nonsense.

Now I know nothings ever what it seems. Money talks - Now I see religions greens. I'll believe in what I hear and what I see, and in myself. The king of my own destiny.

What I gather here is he see's religion manipulating people trying to get their money. Maybe he witnessed some priest using guilt and fear on others to get them to donate to the church and it becomes squandered, or something like that. The lesson learned here is not to put your faith in religion too hard since it is led by humans after all and you can't trust everyone.

The Angels of Heaven and the Demons of Hell - The creatures we had to create. Why are you scared to see who you are? Be in control of your life, and fate.

What I get here is the lyricist sees people using angels and demons as excuses to explain human behavior (example: the devil made me do it). He thinks we should admit our faults and realize we bring everything on ourselves.

I can see why you choose to dedicate all your life to ensure you enter heavens gate

He can see why you choose to do good, and that is for fear of being punished for doing bad.

I can't say that i am right and you are wrong, but common sense can tell a truth or two. All those lives lost in battle of belief, and its all because you were born to believe one different line

He wants you to use common sense to point out some wrongs in your religion and to stop forcing yourself to think otherwise. He also points out how people kill each other over things they were inheritantly born to believe in (probably parents) to stress the importance of this. Who are people to fight over beliefs when we have no more proof then the other guys? They are simply beliefs.

The god is above and the devil beneath, we all belong here on earth. Theres no one to score the real to the core/(i could not figure out what the last words were if someone else could help me out)

He says there is no one here on earth to tell us what is truely real when it comes to beliefs. There are many beliefs but they will never be more then that.

There are no lyrics that say there is no god. Just because it says religions have wrongs does not mean there is no god, gar77 has misunderstood the true meaning behind the lyrics.
hi nega, did you get the cd or did you just download it? if you want to analyze lyrics, at least make sure you got 'em straight, mm'kay ;)