Nightmare- anyone fans?


At War With Stan
Jul 28, 2005
Anyone fans of this French Power metal band? They have been around forever (first album was 25 years ago) and I had never heard of them until a buddy of mine sent me their Dominion Gate cd for my birthday. I loved it so much I decided to get the new one Insurrection which kicks all kinds of a$$. Nightmare would do really well at a future ProgPower or Showcase. Glenn or Shane, have you ever thought about them?? Thoughts everyone else....
solid band....they kind of fall into that Rage / Grave Digger / Running Wild / Paragon group for me. Every disc kind if sounds alike. They are always quaility. Cant wait for the new one....I think it is out in a few weeks.
to quote the open mic host from the Pick of Destiny....


Awesome traditional metal, and this band has been through alot. if I'm not mistaken, the first albums were 1984 and 1985, then the singer died and they broke up. then they reunited in 1999 with the original drummer singing and his brother playing drums. with each album, one original member left. at this point the only original members are joe amore (original drummer, now the singer) and yves campoin- the bass player.

Nightmare Rules! Hopefully we'll be luck enough to get them at PP one year!
This band is great! One of my must see bands, I would also like to snag a shirt with Genetic Disorders album art on it!
The first I heard of these guys was about 6 weeks ago. I was on a trip listening to Pandora Radio and they kept playing stuff off of Genetic Disorder. It stuck out amongst some very good music as something I had to get. When I got home I did a little research and saw they had a newer one, so I picked up Insurrection. This CD is the best I have bought in 2010 by far!! I picked up Genetic Disorder too and it is VERY worth buying, but Insurrection even blows it away. I hear old school Metal Church mixed with parts of Nevermore scattered throughout. I really like how thick and thrashy their music is. Some people dismiss them as just another Power Metal band and those who do that, are missing out on one of the best CDs out in recent times IMO!!