Nightmares Made Flesh


New Metal Member
Jun 25, 2004
United States
I've heard the new Bloodbath, and I gotta say it is not
as good as Resurrection Through Carnage but it's ok.

Tagtren does a good job of trying to sound like Mikael
Akerfeldt but he still doesn't quite have it down good enough.
He still sounds like the hypocrotic squealer!

There is less depth and less melody than there was in RTC,
which is also bad. The lyrics are harder to understand with
P. Tagtren than they were with Akerfeldt, maybe they just
chose it to be that way, though.

RTC has an awesome opening, the new bloodbath just opens
up like some kind of generic black metal CD.

I give it a 3 out of 5 anyway. It's pretty good I guess.
It comes out the day before my Birthday! Sept 28.
Someone buy me a present. :kickass:
Kloris said:
I've heard the new Bloodbath, and I gotta say it is not
as good as Resurrection Through Carnage but it's ok.

Tagtren does a good job of trying to sound like Mikael
Akerfeldt but he still doesn't quite have it down good enough.
He still sounds like the hypocrotic squealer!

There is less depth and less melody than there was in RTC,
which is also bad. The lyrics are harder to understand with
P. Tagtren than they were with Akerfeldt, maybe they just
chose it to be that way, though.

RTC has an awesome opening, the new bloodbath just opens
up like some kind of generic black metal CD.

I give it a 3 out of 5 anyway. It's pretty good I guess.
It comes out the day before my Birthday! Sept 28.
Someone buy me a present. :kickass:
I disagree with you.
The new album sounds great. Yes Peter does throw in some of his "screams" but it still sounds awesome. I give it a 10 out of 5 :grin: . Thats all i'll say about the album now. I dont want to ruin any suprises.
MorbidEnemy said:
I disagree with you.
The new album sounds great. Yes Peter does throw in some of his "screams" but it still sounds awesome. I give it a 10 out of 5 :grin: . Thats all i'll say about the album now. I dont want to ruin any suprises.

There is a small group of people who understand what I am talking about, the people who know that bloodbath sold out and got a crappier singer, and also changed their style from what is was for their first 2 CDs. :ill:

You guys need to stop sucking up to the band and understand the sad
truth, that bloodbath has moved towards becoming another random
black metal band that has nothing unique about it. There weren't any other
CDs like Ressurection Through Carnage and there probably never will be
again. :yell:
Wow I never knew opinions could be so wrong! :OMG:
Soldout???? Since when have they been after millions of cd sales? Cause you know with this snappy 'style' change they will be on the top 40 and be 'cool' and 'hip' with all the kiddies. This 'crappier singer' you speak of, I'm not familiar with this term... I'd just call it a more suitable replacement because last time I checked he sounds just as good or better than Akerfeldt.
Hmmm what else... Oh yeah! :grin:
Black metal? where is this black metal???? I was listening to brutal DEATH METAL. If you can't tell the difference between the 2 I think you should just stop listening to this whole extreme metal thing cause there are already too many clueless idiots out there with out you soiling our good name. In fact are you even listening to the same album as the rest of us?
Well Pee Wee I think you should go back to the COB and Opeths boards.
Try coming back when you have a clue.
Thank You.
Although it's still sinking in, for now I'd say it's the EP, NMF, and RtC last. All great, but this one is greater than I ever expected.
SnakeXs said:
Although it's still sinking in, for now I'd say it's the EP, NMF, and RtC last. All great, but this one is greater than I ever expected.
Where can i get hold of it to download?! Im hearing all this great stuff about it and i cant decide for my self :confused:
I'm pretty sure you'll be able to hear it at the end of september when it comes out on cd!
I know, but i cant wait that long! :yell: :cry: Ok im not going to go to sleep or work until i manage to find at least one track! :loco:
Jesus, I haven´t been listening to Heavy music for a while now, mainly acoustic and mellow stuff like Sufjan Stevens, Iron & Wine, Song:Ohia and more of that sort. These 3 songs I have heard from this album blow me the hell away, and I know I will always listen to this kind of stuff as long as quality death metal will be released, outstanding. And the diffrence between NMF and RTC is amazing, NMF is so much better!
Now I just want to form a death metal band :)
I for one think the new Bloodbath CD is great. Akerfeldt is most definitely a better vocalist (not just all around but for Death Metal especially), but they've certainly churned out a great CD with NMF. The change in their sound was not due to "selling out" as someone said earlier, but (rather obviously) it's due to the addition of a new drummer and vocalist. Also factor in that Swano is now playing guitars, and you shouldn't consider the idea of their sound totally changing as being strange. At the same time, Bloodbath did start out as a "joke"; it was something they'd all wanted to do for fun. When the record company heard the material and told them they wanted to promote it, I'm sure the guys knew they could make a few extra bucks off of they did. With NMF, (which in my opinion sounds closer to Decapitated than Entombed) we see them continuing on, and I'm sure they're still having a great time creating the type of music that influenced them early on in their lives. No one "sold out". There are no top 40 hits on this CD, just good Death Metal with a lot of the melodicism we've come to expect from these guys. If you don't like the music, then don't listen to it, but don't get down on the band because you think they're doing something they're clearly not.
Woah woah, I never said I didn't like the new bloodbath, I said it was pretty good, and it is listenable.

You people say that the new bloodbath is more death metalish, but RTC sounds more raw and brutal than NMF! Dan Swano must feel the same way, seeing as how he did drums for the Ribspreader CD called "Bolted To The Cross".

I didn't think RTC was a joke, even if it was intended to be a joke. It has a great sound, and it's eerie. It has somewhat more spooky theme to it, and an all-around cooler sound. The new bloodbath is just a parody of what they were before, but without the crunchy coolness Rtc. Plus the first track, kill them for they must die... It just made me giggle a little. RTC may have been a joke but the lyrics were a lot more solid!

Wether you guys want to admit it or not, RTC owned and is a classic. And if death metal were even ON the radio, YES, NMF WouLD BE IN THE TOP 40. Duh! Metal isnt on the radio. :yuk: It pisses me off. But if it was on the radio they would have to play like every song on every Death metal cd. x_X Cause as far as I know they all own.

And Im not a total newbah, I have heard plenty of death metal to know
what sounds raw and what don't. Plus tagtren is too squealy for my tastes. >:o

I have Cannibal Corpses Wretched Spawn, Morbid Angel's Heretic,
Vital Remains - Dechristianize, Suffocation's Souls to deny, etc :hypno:

I admit I was a bit hard on BB, I raise the score to 4/5
I am just too emotionally attached to RTC, its hard to deal with the change.
RTC is a favorite! If Into Eternity went and recruited Tagtren on vocals
I would really be pissed off.

Tagtren is in like a lot more bands than anyone else, thats partially what is
so annoying about it also. Plus Mikael has so much more raw talent than
tagtren does!
After hearing the new album I can't help feeling somewhat dissapointed, it feels like everything I loved about the old Bloodbath is gone. So Ressurrection Through Carnage will stay a classic to me, and that old Bloodbath doesn't exist anymore IMO.
sold out???
I don't think you know what 'Sold Out' means! Selling out is altering your music in order to sell records. Now, I want you to take a look at the band members of Bloodbath, and their projects. Have they ever sold out?

Like a lot of people, I despised the day when Akerfeldt quit Bloodbath. However, Bloodbath promised a fucking brutal album and I'm still awaiting it. I've only heard 'Outnumbering the Day' from the site and intend to wait until the album hits America to hear the rest.
I am kinda pissed off at the solo though... that was a pussy solo.
You also have to consider the fact that there are three different styles of bloodbath on the album: Swanos, Nystroms, and Renskes. Personally I hope that the rest of the album will surpass OtD, because then the album would fucking kick ass. Other than that, if the solos are going to be this slow, I'll go buy a motown album for chrissake.
Well, in my opinion Outnumbering The Day is actually one of the better songs on the album, that I found out when I heard it, so if you have the same taste as me, go figure how good/bad the album is. But I will be buying the album to support Bloodbath anyway, and who knows, maybe it will grow on me with time, and become a classic like Resurrection Through Carnage is to me.
Kloris said:
Woah woah, I never said I didn't like the new bloodbath, I said it was pretty good, and it is listenable.

You people say that the new bloodbath is more death metalish, but RTC sounds more raw and brutal than NMF! Dan Swano must feel the same way, seeing as how he did drums for the Ribspreader CD called "Bolted To The Cross".

I didn't think RTC was a joke, even if it was intended to be a joke. It has a great sound, and it's eerie. It has somewhat more spooky theme to it, and an all-around cooler sound. The new bloodbath is just a parody of what they were before, but without the crunchy coolness Rtc. Plus the first track, kill them for they must die... It just made me giggle a little. RTC may have been a joke but the lyrics were a lot more solid!

Wether you guys want to admit it or not, RTC owned and is a classic. And if death metal were even ON the radio, YES, NMF WouLD BE IN THE TOP 40. Duh! Metal isnt on the radio. :yuk: It pisses me off. But if it was on the radio they would have to play like every song on every Death metal cd. x_X Cause as far as I know they all own.

And Im not a total newbah, I have heard plenty of death metal to know
what sounds raw and what don't. Plus tagtren is too squealy for my tastes. >:o

I have Cannibal Corpses Wretched Spawn, Morbid Angel's Heretic,
Vital Remains - Dechristianize, Suffocation's Souls to deny, etc :hypno:

I admit I was a bit hard on BB, I raise the score to 4/5
I am just too emotionally attached to RTC, its hard to deal with the change.
RTC is a favorite! If Into Eternity went and recruited Tagtren on vocals
I would really be pissed off.

Tagtren is in like a lot more bands than anyone else, thats partially what is
so annoying about it also. Plus Mikael has so much more raw talent than
tagtren does!

Yea so, do you like an old school Death Metal? You still sound pretty n00bish to me.

Go listen to Eaten and then tell me it doesn't slay.