Nile - Annihilation of the Wicked


Dec 18, 2003
hoooooly shit y'all, i heard a song from this cd b4 it was released and it was real shitty and didnt even have any blast beats in it. but i just got the album today and omg this is nile @ their best. anybody who likes death metal even slightly needs to pick this one up. i've only heard track 9 and that poop one from a while ago, but track 9 is kickin some major ass. i highly recommend this. in a related story, the Aborted Existence is recorded, just hasta be sent to Baltimore for mixing, mastering and triggering my bass drum. but omg get the new Nile cd. :rock:
Why did you pick track 9 to listen to first?
I don't think that I've ever put a new disc on and didn't start with the first track.
Liquid Tension said:
Why did you pick track 9 to listen to first?
I don't think that I've ever put a new disc on and didn't start with the first track.

i backup all my cds on my hard drive, and when i went to play it, it played the tracks in alphabetical order. otherwise yeah i start with the first track.

lashed to the slave stick is the shitty one i was talkin about. i listened to it again and there are, infact, blast beats, but thats the slow crappy track on the cd. the rest of it is simply amazing.
Dude, you're crazy! Lashed to the Slave Stick kills. This whole album kills, in fact -- it's my favorite Nile album. My favorite songs at the moment would be Cast Down the Heretic and Annihilation of the Wicked. The part at the beginning of Annihilation... after the fast intro, with the moaning guitar, and then the band kicking in underneath the moaning guitar, that makes the song for me. \m/
Mantraschism said:
Dude, you're crazy! Lashed to the Slave Stick kills. This whole album kills, in fact -- it's my favorite Nile album. My favorite songs at the moment would be Cast Down the Heretic and Annihilation of the Wicked. The part at the beginning of Annihilation... after the fast intro, with the moaning guitar, and then the band kicking in underneath the moaning guitar, that makes the song for me. \m/

yeah man analihilation of the wicked is definately prolly my fav song on there. 0:48 into it sounds almost exactly like an Aborted Existence song, but we've had it for longer than they have, and the last two beats of the riff are different, so hah.