I never got into Nile before I heard AOTW this year. I also purchased In Their Darkened Shrines and Ienjoy that album as well. I don't think they went downhilla t all with the new members, seeing as thought AOTW is one hellof an album. I dig Nile over Origin any day. Origin is impressive to listen to, but yes, monotonous music gets old. Atleast the cd is only about 1/2 hour long. Perfect legth to get a blast of dm from Origin. Nile on the other hand I could listen to for hours on end. Theri riffs are mad, their drummer is insane, and their vocals is awesome! I like Niles music because it's technical but yet it's not. It's not technical to the point that it gets broing and old, it actually has some sort of meloidy to it that makes the riffs stand out. Man I love Annihilation Of The Wicked!!!!