nintendo wii

linux on wii sounds awesome when i get one (and it won't be for a while) thats the first thing Im gonna do

red steel no good?? tell me its not true!!
My first comment on the Wii (I prounced it Why instead of the tradional We[e], just because it's less embarassing to say) is that "I am Princess Zelda's Bitch!".

I actually played Twilight Princess for almost 15 hours straight and only stopped playing because I was beginning to lose feeling in my left hand.
Top game but have yet to finish it.
Put it aside to play Marvel.

My 2nd point is that you cannot simply tell people how fun it is to play.
You must experience it for yourself.

I took my Wii over to a friend's place so he coudl check it out.
He and his mate played Wii Sport and Zelda and are now totally addicted. Both vowing to buy their own system ASAP.

If you just look at it and judge it as a silly gimmick, I implore you to go out and play it for yourself.

Catch ya