
I don't think they were overrated. The music wasn't genius, but the songs have great feeling. It was not technicaly great playing, though the drums are pretty good, but the lyrics are great and the songs do contain a message if you listen well.
I found them amazing, simply cause the songs soudned good to be. my favorite is probably "From the Muddy Banks of Wishkah' (a better collection of their songs than the s/t Greatest Hits imo), and eagerly anticipate the box set (or whatever the rare songs will come in), should it ever see the light of day
Originally posted by Stoner Sioux
I was so into Nirvana about 10 years ago. They're great, but unfortunatnly I burnt myself out on them.
I guess it's the same with me, if what you mean is that you lost interest in them?
It's basically the same with all the grunge I've been into, except Soundgarden. It was great when it came out in '91 and you listened to it for a couple of years. Then slowly you started losing interest in them. I had all their albums, but now they're just in my closet collecting dust and darkness. I recently bought Pearl Jam's "VS", as it was cheap (10 Kroner = $1.46) and I mainly bought it for "Indifference". I've listened to it once and I don't think I'll play it many times over the years. The music really doesn't appeal to me anymore. Although I didn't get into it because it was fashionable, it's basically the same as fashion. It was great for a period of time, and then it's not fashionable anymore so you kind of throw it out. Not saying that because someone said that now dance was hip instead of Nirvana I switched, but I lost interest in the scene when it died like so many other people did. It's kind of the same as with disco. In the early 80's most people lost interest in that as well. I still think Nirvana is okay, but it's not something I ever listen to. I have sometimes thrown "Lounge act" on the stereo at parties.
Bush is kind of the same. I got "Sixteen stone" when it came out, but never listen to it anymore. The only grungeband I still listen to is Soundgarden. I don't listen to all their songs, which I did in '94, but I can still find good stuff on "Badmotorfinger" & "Superunknown". They have somehow managed to make some music that had a quality for me that exceeded the 3-4 year period that Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Bush, etc. had.
Oh yeah, what do you define overrated by? It seems to me that people think a band is overrated if they don't personally like them/think they're really crappy and a lot of people like them. They also think a band is underrated if they adore them and most other people don't really care about them.
I don't know how to define overrated. Some people even call Beatles overrated and I basically think it's because they don't like their music. Overrated is kind of meaningless to me.
I guess you could say that saying a band is overrated is a very subjective statement. I dunno, I guess what I think of when I think of overrated is a band who is constantly called "The Greatest Band In The World". I really don't think that title can ever be achieved by anyone, so therefor it's not that I don't *like* the music, far different, I may love the music. But I know sure as hell that the band isn't the *greatest* in the world.
I don't get the overrated thing either. I can't stand Nirvana (most grunge/alternative), hate their music with such passion, I find Linkin Park more toreable, well you get the point. But overrated no way. C'mon their importance to the history of music is too significant. It's like saying Black Sabbath, Sex Pistols, Betoveen are overrated. bah!!!
"I can't stand Nirvana (most grunge/alternative), hate their music with such passion, I find Linkin Park more toreable"

You think Linkin Park sounds better?!!! You can actually tolerate their kitty, whiney singing over Cobaines? They're one of the worst bands in music history.
Yes I can't believe it either, cause I can't stand Linkin. Either way I'm happiest when I don't have to hear any of those bands for more than 10 seconds. Bah I'm just gonna run my head thro a blender, have a nice day
Krut was very very very very very very overratted.

But i like Nirvana Nevermind was one of the first albums i ever got :rock:
Linkin Park and Nirvana... I like both of them, but Linkin Park is a little bit too much bubble gum rock plus their remix record was absolutly horrible and Nirvana is just too much hiped IMO. Anyone in the whole world loves Nirvana, no matter if Hip Hop Fan or Techno Freak and that bothers me (plus like already said: Curt Cobain is a horrible Guitar Player (or he just was too stoned all the time *g*))