Flal Flal Oct 2, 2004 1,733 0 36 38 Ontario, Canada (eh) Jan 2, 2006 #1 Does anyone know what the drum specs (Cymbals, kits, skins, set ups) are for NMF and RTC? Martin Axenrot is becoming one of my favorite metal drummers (after Derek Roddy ) but i can't get any info on his kit.
Does anyone know what the drum specs (Cymbals, kits, skins, set ups) are for NMF and RTC? Martin Axenrot is becoming one of my favorite metal drummers (after Derek Roddy ) but i can't get any info on his kit.
steel102 ________ May 22, 2005 845 0 16 Guadeloupe Jan 3, 2006 #2 dan swano did drums on RTC. you might want to ask this question on his forum, as i don't know how often he posts on the bloodbath forum.
dan swano did drums on RTC. you might want to ask this question on his forum, as i don't know how often he posts on the bloodbath forum.
Flal Flal Oct 2, 2004 1,733 0 36 38 Ontario, Canada (eh) Jan 3, 2006 #3 I know Dan did the drums on RTC lol I just was asking if anyone knew the specs for both Dan and Axe.