Steven Slate Drums 2.0: SIGNATURE DRUM KITS... DEMOS!!

Ok. Here is a rimshot crack hit from upcoming snare22 and its Z5 stereo room sample from the amazing sound NRG studios.. download Snare22Z1Crack1 and Snare22Z5Crack1 here:

mixed a bit together they sound like:

Everyone who buys the Platinum this weekend (up until 10AM Pacific time Monday morning) will get 40 bucks paypal'd back and LE 20 bucks back... thats in honor of the US's bday... so basically its gonna be like getting a free upgrade to the NRG addition when it comes out.. this will probably be the last deal until the new version comes out... hope you like that snare hit guys!

this one sounds like new lars snare sound on death magnetic haha cool!
Davin Bendeth mixed Paramore and the new Underoath album "Lost in the Sound of Separation". Watch the Underoath DVD its pretty awesome.
who did that Killswitch mix? I ask because I'm curious if that IS some of my samps mixed in. Sounds like it could be, either way great tones. Paramore snare I got covered.. Snare12A with some more high shelf.
Hey guys, I've just put a short clip of a track from our forthcoming record (due in November) on our MySpace - bassdrum, snare(s) and toms are all courtesy of Mr. Slate ;) go check it out:

The track is The Visionaire pt.1 (clip), it's on the player!

Great production. Guitars sound like 5150, are they ?

Btw the effect on the chorus voice on the song "Technocratic" reminds me of the effect on the chorus voice on Deftones "Elite" (White Pony album). This and the cover artwork look very Terminator/Fear Factory/early God Forbid like.
Great production. Guitars sound like 5150, are they ?

Btw the effect on the chorus voice on the song "Technocratic" reminds me of the effect on the chorus voice on Deftones "Elite" (White Pony album). This and the cover artwork look very Terminator/Fear Factory/early God Forbid like.

Hey thank you :kickass:

The guitars are ENGL Powerball's loop SEND --> soundcard + a GuitarHack's impulse and some minor EQ-compression (did that at my home studio, where I can't mic any cabinet otherwise the neighbours could show me their aluminum baseball bat collection....) ("So I kissed him upside the cranium with an aluminum baseball bat MY NAME IS MUD" :rock::notworthy)

As for Technocratic, well consider that: being the sound engineer AND cover artist for your own band gives you means to express your love for (old) Fear Factory and sci-fi EVEN WHEN the rest of the band is all Swedish Metal aficionados :Saint::Saint::Saint::Saint::heh:
Hey thank you :kickass:

The guitars are ENGL Powerball's loop SEND --> soundcard + a GuitarHack's impulse and some minor EQ-compression (did that at my home studio, where I can't mic any cabinet otherwise the neighbours could show me their aluminum baseball bat collection....) ("So I kissed him upside the cranium with an aluminum baseball bat MY NAME IS MUD" :rock::notworthy)

As for Technocratic, well consider that: being the sound engineer AND cover artist for your own band gives you means to express your love for (old) Fear Factory and sci-fi EVEN WHEN the rest of the band is all Swedish Metal aficionados :Saint::Saint::Saint::Saint::heh:

ok héhé :)
who did that Killswitch mix? I ask because I'm curious if that IS some of my samps mixed in. Sounds like it could be, either way great tones. Paramore snare I got covered.. Snare12A with some more high shelf.
The guitarist, Adam Dutkiewicz, mixed and produced that album.

The drummer, Justin Foley, uses a Yamaha Mike Bordin signature snare (14x6.5).
I'm pretty sure that that snare is on the record.