^^^ exactly... stupid money hungry bastards, if they would just stop being so goddamn greedy and lower prices for tab books, CDs, hell even DVDs then people would be less inclined to piracy and they would sell more. A CD shouldn't cost more than $8 as far as I'm concerned. And at least 50% should go to the artist, instead of the 5% or whatever they're getting now...
$4 => artist
$2 => manufacturing
$1.50 => shipping / distributing (bulk is cheap)
$0.50 => music industry fuckers
$8 total
Whatever they do, they're not going to shut down every tab site on the internet, and even if they do, new ways of getting tabs (and music) will emerge, just like the napster crap.
For the record, I AM against piracy etc. My entire music collection is 99% store bought and online bought CDs, but these music industry fuckers can kiss my ass.