No More Will


Chemical Pariah
Aug 30, 2001
Uppsala, Sweden
I just realised something about myself. When I'm angry and can't get no air 'cause of all the happiness people around me have I listen to Dreaming Neon Black, esp. No More Will (and forever HAS to come after that one).

Artificial Air for the mind.

Don't bother to response, I just felt like writing something.

BTW. Is it just me or is the performance on the Century Media DVD by Nevermore pretty bad? The sound is awful (vocals and drums are TO loud). Warrel kinda makes my laug when he starts to sing on Engines of Hate.
The sound in that Century Media DVD is pretty horrible. Seems like cheap ass CM recorded the show with the cameras own microphones or the mixer guy was high/deaf. I really can't understand how CM can publish something like that. Oh yes, MONEY.

NO CHANCE IN HELL will I buy the Nevermore DVD if it has as bad quality sound as that CM DVD.

At least Britney Spears has pre-recorded sounds and vocals in her live show material (was on tv new years day) so she wouldn't sound even worse than she does.:devil:
Not yet, but they either HAVE filmed it, or will very soon at a live show. No clue when it'll be released.
Which one? If I'm following the thread correctly, one is about the Century Media dvd that was released last fall(?) with a bunch of bands, including Nevermore. and the other could be about the dvd wd *said* they'd record at their last show in California and would release.

you choose.