No Remorse

Hehe, it isn't just the vocal style of death metal... I also don't like the random song structures and the (usually) overkill drums (I despise blast beats)... but some bands have very cool riffs and solos. Heh, ever listened to Dying Fetus? I think they're fucking hurtin but their drummer is a total maniac. It's frightening how much of a nutbar he is. Their singer does some intense voice-killing distortion too.
This is turning into a Metallica thread.
Fuck it.
Ride the Lighteneing is probably my favorite from metallica. Im not a huge fan but i have "Kill em all" through "justice" and there all good.
i took a listen to the canibal corpse version
its not as good i reckon, cos of the tuning, and when the vocals go (war without it) on their own it doesnt sound too good :)