No so serious OPETH Ripoff

On a free day two weeks ago, I used the time to get used to CUBASE SX since I still work with VST. I also wanted to try my PEAVEY Classic amp on metal guitars.
So I did an Opeth like song. It's written, recorded, mixed and mastered on one day, so don't overrate the sound and the song. The lyrics are total bullshit, just English words without sense.

I think it's funny!
Here it is:
Yeah man that sounded pretty cool. That drum fill though, it already becomes annoying the first time you listen to the song, you might want to make some variations. But for one day's work I'd say well done. :headbang:
Oh, oh. I'm quite surprised you like that. Thank you very much! I mean I also think it's quite cool, but mostly because it's done in such a short time.
That's also the reason for the boring drums. I programmed them very quickly and I was to lazy to make new breaks for every part.

I have not screamed for a few years. My voice did hurt so much that I copied most of the vocals.

The setup is:
Tube Screamer / Peavey Classic 50 / Randall cab / SM57 / Distresssor /
for all rhythm guitars
(I normally use this amp for clean guitars and I wanted to try it with metal guitars. It does not have much distortion, perhaps like a JCM800 not more.

Mesa Boogie Studio Preamp / Engl Fireball Poweramp / Randall cab / RE20
for all lead guitars

Drums are only the sounds I recorded for the LINPLUG RMIV. A cool plugin.
Check it out here:

Check out my demosong:

Bass is direct through a Drawmer 1960

Vocals are Groove Tubes AM-51 / DBX 1068 / Distressor

Oh, oh. I'm quite surprised you like that. Thank you very much! I mean I also think it's quite cool, but mostly because it's done in such a short time.
That's also the reason for the boring drums. I programmed them very quickly and I was to lazy to make new breaks for every part.

I have not screamed for a few years. My voice did hurt so much that I copied most of the vocals.

The setup is:
Tube Screamer / Peavey Classic 50 / Randall cab / SM57 / Distresssor /
for all rhythm guitars
(I normally use this amp for clean guitars and I wanted to try it with metal guitars. It does not have much distortion, perhaps like a JCM800 not more.

Mesa Boogie Studio Preamp / Engl Fireball Poweramp / Randall cab / RE20
for all lead guitars

Drums are only the sounds I recorded for the LINPLUG RMIV. A cool plugin.
Check it out here:

Check out my demosong:

Bass is direct through a Drawmer 1960

Vocals are Groove Tubes AM-51 / DBX 1068 / Distressor

This is really great. :headbang:

What recording equipment did you used? Did you used any mic preamps? The fx are plugins or outboard? And what about eq settings?

Man, you rule. If you did this in one day, what will happen when you mix something for real? :worship:
Like I said, the main reason for doing this song was to get used to Cubase SX. I'm still not using it in "real life" studio situations because I'm much quicker in VST.

So everything was recorded through a Tascam TMD-8000 digital mixer. With the use of a Drawmer 1960 and a DBX 1086 mic pre.
The Reverbs are an TC M2000 (vocals) and an Roland SRV330 (drums).
Nothing special.

The mix went though a finalzer and a hardware Pultec EQ.

The drums are programmed but all the sounds are recorded here at Kohlekeller Studio.

Of course I can do better mixes, but if I play and arrange everything by myself, it's much easier to get a good sound because you can arrange everything so that it works. When I work with clients (which is what I do everyday) it's often much more difficult even if you have much more time. Does anyone else experience that?

Here are some other mixes:

Don't know if you like them too.
I have to open the song first to remember it exactly but the kick drum is from the KKS Sonor Kit. The snare is a new one, which will be included in the next RMIV update.
If you have an RMIV, I can mail you the Opeth drum sounds.
The only problem could be that the bass drum is heavily eqd. All the RMIV Kohlekeller Studio drum sounds are natural without Eq to let everyone do whatever he likes.