New OPETH "Heritage" album streaming online now!

And, I would add that, if you had read my first post in good faith, you would have noticed I considered "Damnation", which is not a "Blackwater Park" clone, as a masterpiece. There is no deception from my point of view, since I think Opeth are now in the downside of their artistic carreer. It is something every band meets one day, and those avoiding it are very, very rare.
Ok not trying to stray to close to the battle thats going on here but ...

Its ONE cd

How is this in any way an indication of their artistic career being in its "downside"?

Who's to say the next one won't be the heaviest thing they've ever done?

Other bands have done this and been successful to certain degrees, sometimes not but usually at some point going back to where they came from

Helloween did it, almost killed their career over the course of 2 albums, although "Chameleon" was actually quite good for what it was. I'd say they've had quite a good 2nd career since then with Derris

Amorphis ... did it by their 3rd album "Elegy" and yet after one more good one after that and a couple missteps they got right back in stride and are doing very well since

Machine Head ... pissed a lot of people of with The Burning Red and Supercharger. Right after that we got "Ashes" & "Blackening"

there are plenty other examples but you get the idea. I just never understand how anyone can presume to map out a band's success / failure / intentions within 2 days of a new album coming out.

If you like it or not, thats opinion and everyone is entitled to one
Whether you like the music he puts out or not all the other bs drama doesn't matter.

Who cares if people notice something "different" about Opeth now. They are human and will change for the good of themselves not the fans.

Also, don't believe everything you read........
Well... I don't know why opinions expressed on such a forum have for consequences such extreme reactions.

I have been careful enough to say "I think": everything I wrote is the expression of my opinion on that moment. I'm not pretentious enough to consider my lines as a revealed truth. Maybe my contradictors here aren't as much detached as I am upon their words value.

Anyway, I don't have so much time to loose in idle arguments. I indeed hope I'm not right, and that Opeth will be able in the near future to enchant my life again, as they did and still do when I listen to some of their older stuff.

@ubrsyntx : I'm happy to note that, in spite of your retarded capacities, you were able to use Babel Fish to express in french language the source of your inner traumatisms. Hope you feel better now :wave: At last, you are right men : nothing is definitely lost :grin::grin:
I'm quite OK with every Ermz statements about that album.

I listened to it several times and I even won't give him the honor to be a bad one. It's just ... mediocre.
Another band would have released it and nobody would have noticed it.

But for me, it is not a surprised. There are such a lot of misworking things with Opeth that this album is exactly what I expected from them.

This is not a question a being a prog or unprog album : "Damnation" is a brilliant masterpiece, and there is not a single note of metal left in this opus.

First of all, I already disliked "Watershed". Only the three first songs are mind blowing, and the remaining rest is boring and "arty". The main factor, IMO, is the departure of Lopez. Martin "Axe" is a very good drummer, but he obviously lacks something, and this "something" was one of the main ingredient of the Opeth recipee. Axe makes them sound like an average prog metal band, and not like Opeth anymore.
I totally agree with you. I felt that Watershed was already a mediocre album, with a lot of disjoined shit being called "experimentation" (that word together with "evolution" as in "the band evolves" are wild cards frequently used by retards to dismiss any opinion). I'd say that Watershed was 70-80% Opeth and 20-30% of random, pointless shit. It seems that here they did it all the way around. I can barely hear anything that reminds me of Opeth other than Mikael's voice. There are some parts that do sound a little Damnationish, but they are far too few.

I also think that Lopez's departure/firing shifted the band to another direction. His magic touch in the drumming is no way near to be filled by Axe, who sounds like a totally monotonous drummer in Opeth to me. I see him as a little bit of a try-hard to try and match what Lopez could do, and he fails miserably. He's not a bad drummer, hey, he would be a great drummer in any other band, but I just think that he doesn't fit in Opeth.

I didn't quote the Åkerfeldt's statements because I haven't read them and I don't care about reading them anyway. I don't think he needs to explain anything on how to listen to the album. Actually, the sole idea of someone telling me how to listen to an album sounds extremely retarded.

Offtopic: by the way, trolling him because of his English mistakes and/or his mother tongue is utterly pathetic given the fact that most of you English-speakers can't speak any other languages, and sometimes you can barely speak your own, not to mention that most of the foreign words you know are things like "tacos", "pita" and "chimichanga".
Amorphis ... did it by their 3rd album "Elegy" and yet after one more good one after that and a couple missteps they got right back in stride and are doing very well since

I actually like from Elegy to Am Universum (I guess their more rock-oriented stuff) then stopped paying attention for nearly ten years haha. But I liked the newer stuff I've heard, and will probably snag the newest one asap.
I actually like from Elegy to Am Universum (I guess their more rock-oriented stuff) then stopped paying attention for nearly ten years haha. But I liked the newer stuff I've heard, and will probably snag the newest one asap.

Elegy is actually my favorite cd from them ;)

I wasn't speaking so much from my opinion but more from the general attitude a lot of people had, mostly the purists who thought they already sold out with "Tales..."
ummm... yeah. I gave this album it's fair shot, I don't like it. Someone PM Mikael and get him to post the album that he originally made that was "too metal", I'll take two of those over this faux-vintage ode to real prog-rock bands.
ummm... yeah. I gave this album it's fair shot, I don't like it. Someone PM Mikael and get him to post the album that he originally made that was "too metal", I'll take two of those over this faux-vintage ode to real prog-rock bands.
where did he say that?
where did he say that?

If you watch the videos on the last page, he says it in his interview. He said he wrote two songs in the heavier style and he threw them out/deleted them completely from his harddrive. He also says it on the making-of documentary that comes with the deluxe edition of Heritage.
Who's to say the next one won't be the heaviest thing they've ever done?

While I agree with the fact that the possibility exists, he pretty much clearly states in the videos linked that he feels he has taken the extreme death metal styling as far as he can. He says while he will not rule it out, he can not foresee that being the direction they go again.

Mikael understands that some fans of Opeth may be driven away from the bands camp with this release - he states as such in the videos, but he also states that he can't make the music fan's want if it not in him anymore, he is driven by a diverse musical background and will probably explore it all over his many years left. It may be a valid argument of whether he should do it under the moniker of Opeth, but if he basically owns the name, that's his business - between him and the other members of which only Martin Mendez qualifies as a "long time member" since Per left (and even Per has only been in Opeth since 2003 as a touring member (not on non-live disc until 2005's "Ghost Reveries")) and Martin from the what Mikael seems to state in the videos is on board for the change in style. I think it's safe to say that Mikael Åkerfeldt is Opeth and Opeth is Mikael Åkerfeldt, destined to follow whatever path he chooses to take.

If a fans passion for Opeth's music is tied to any preconceived style I suspect they will be disappointed. If however they take my advice and be fan's of albums or even songs, they may find something they like on every release which is made easier in this world of downloadable individual tracks where you can build the release you want, not purchasing the music you hate. While my diverse musical tastes have not driven me to this path of music appreciation yet (partially due to my love of vinyl if I can get it) it's a valid way to avoid music you hate. No one should ever purchase a release with no idea of the content in this readily preview-able (try before you buy) world we live in.

As always - individual mileage may vary.