New OPETH "Heritage" album streaming online now!

Really ?

Is that all ?

No feelings at all ?

No disappointment ?

No lost trust that they will ever come out with something you could like ?

No hope that they will come to their senses ?

Just "don't buy it if you don't like" ?


Come on people... you must be trolling me...

Do you even like the music you are listening to if it is not a big deal when one of your favorite bands releases something totally different ?

Aren't you at least a bit pissed when that happens ?

Don't you want more of that kind of music ?

Where are your emotions ?

Yeah i know we are different and regardless of all the differences i love you all my metal brothers, but i can't fucking believe we are that much different... :zombie:

Without being the devils advocate here... I'll say this. I agree with you on the emotional level you are displaying. Your feelings/ response is very obviously connected to what the music of certain bands does for you. I'm the same way. Certain bands manage to write music that hits me on a level beyond words, and that's the beauty of music. It can invoke reactions purely emotional and in a way words can't truly express.

However, I think it's wrong for you to put it down to being betrayed etc, as if the band owes you anything. The band already HAS done something for you, and that is, created the music that you love so much. If they choose to change their sound, the way they portray their own artistic expression then they have every right to do so. And I for one hope that Opeths new direction can make many others in the world feel how I felt about their numerous past albums.

The better way to word what you have already said is simply this, which I also feel.

"Opeth's previous efforts managed to captivate me through each and every song, they were doing something that other bands weren't and that's what I loved about them up until now. Sadly though, this new album doesn't contain the magic for me that originally gave me such amazing reactions when I listened to any other Opeth album. I don't think I'll be grabbing this one at all"

*shrugs* What else can you do, Opeth is doing what Opeth wants, and that's ok! There are many other bands out there who can fill that void in a different and exciting way :)
However, I think it's wrong for you to put it down to being betrayed etc, as if the band owes you anything. The band already HAS done something for you, and that is, created the music that you love so much.

Amen brother. My point on why being a fan of a song, and album, perhaps even an era of a band is better than being a fan with preconceived notions or expectations of that band, only to feel "betrayal" when you don't like a particular disc.

There are many a band that have had disappointing albums for me, but I feel no betrayal because they have also given me immense moments of pleasure and enjoyment. If they want to change things up, go a completely different direction, or even that term that everybody likes to use when they hate a certain album by a band "experiment", I can appreciate that as an artists myself and cherish the music by that band that I like. With the amount of music available to me on any given day, if I don't like a bands album, I can always find some other bands disc that I do like.

Thankfully we live in a day and age where through legal means we can generally have a pretty good idea of the music we are purchasing unlike my golden days of buying a 12" album, of some obscure import metal, from my local "underground" metal store based solely on the album art and hoping it didn't suck. Unfortunately there were several records that recieved one or two listens, and not much more, only to join the album rack of great cover/crappy music section of my album shelves (yes, I'm that old :) ).

As for my last post - your correct - I can't help myself with the longer than needed paragraphs - it's just in my nature. :)



I love it so far! No it's not a "br00tal" Opeth album, but it's still amazing songwriting. Definitely reminds me of the first time I heard 'Damnation'. 9/10 for me. :D

Edit: Just realized this was mixed by Steven Wilson and engineered by Jens Bogren (maybe mastered too?). Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet.

Jens has nothing to do with Heritage, although I am aware that is not what Wiki says.

The album was produced by Akefeldt, engineered by Jenne Hansson, mastered by Peter Mew at Abbey Road Studios UK.

Wilson mixed it with Akerfeldt.
Jens has nothing to do with Heritage, although I am aware that is not what Wiki says.

The album was produced by Akefeldt, engineered by Jenne Hansson, mastered by Peter Mew at Abbey Road Studios UK.

Wilson mixed it with Akerfeldt.

Are you sure? Every single bit I've read so far has stated that Jens Bogren engineered it and that Wilson mixed w/Akerfeldt.
JeffTD said:
Are you sure? Every single bit I've read so far has stated that Jens Bogren engineered it and that Wilson mixed w/Akerfeldt.

I only heard jens was engineering it before it was done, but all latest news I've read say it was simply produce by Mikael, no bogren mention. I guess the booklet will tell us, first to get your copy post the credits!
The booklet states that it was engineered by Janne Hansson at Atlantis Studio.

Well that's "engineered by"... what does it say specific to "mixed" or "mastered" by? In some cases they may roll it all into one title, but often times they will break it up by engineered, mixed or mastered by... etc.
Here ya go.

Recorded at: Atlantis, Junkmail, and No mans land studios Winter/Spring 2011
Produced by Mikael Åkerfeldt
Engineered by Janne Hansson & Steven Wilson
Mixed by Steven Wilson and Mikael Åkerfeldt
Mastered by Peter Mew at Abbey Road studios
Photography by Sandra Artigas
Artwork designed by Travis Smith
Artwork concept by Mikael Åkerfeldt
Here's some more info from the horse's mouth about Heritage:

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Thanks for those links for the videos. I found them to be extremely honest views from a musician interested in the things I am, creating the music you hear in your head, not driven by expectations or genre norms. I may hate his next album, but I happen to like Heritage for what it is.
After watching all of them I'm struck by how much he and I think alike about so many subjects. "ughhhh Opeth and simple just don't match" - from the man's mouth watch and see ;):muahaha: A perfect thought on some concerns in this thread.
I'm quite OK with every Ermz statements about that album.

I listened to it several times and I even won't give him the honor to be a bad one. It's just ... mediocre.
Another band would have released it and nobody would have noticed it.

But for me, it is not a surprised. There are such a lot of misworking things with Opeth that this album is exactly what I expected from them.

This is not a question a being a prog or unprog album : "Damnation" is a brilliant masterpiece, and there is not a single note of metal left in this opus.

First of all, I already disliked "Watershed". Only the three first songs are mind blowing, and the remaining rest is boring and "arty". The main factor, IMO, is the departure of Lopez. Martin "Axe" is a very good drummer, but he obviously lacks something, and this "something" was one of the main ingredient of the Opeth recipee. Axe makes them sound like an average prog metal band, and not like Opeth anymore.

Then, I read interviews by Akerfeld. I don't know if what he said was turned into an asshole speach by the journalist, but if he really acts the way he speaks in this interview, I think his attitude is prejudiciable to the band.

A simple and humble man, when he's about to release an album with drastic changes, explains he wanted to do something different and knows his fans are open-minded enough to enjoy the difference.

M.A. poses like a stupide contemporary artist, pretending to be subversive and wanting to chock his audience. He seems like a child having stolen candies in the back of his mum. He's accusing his fans to be stupid metalheads and takes a jaded pose, hoping some "ones" could understand and admire how audacious Opeth artitic choices are.
Wow !

Result : this Opeth's Heritage is as subversive as my grandmother, and in no way surprising. It's just a kisch version of the 70s. And the lyrics ! OMG !
Soooo dumb and cliché ! What happened to you, Akerfeld ?

When an "arty" attitude replaced the real artistic talent, it is the beginning of the end.
M.A. poses like a stupide contemporary artist, pretending to be subversive and wanting to chock his audience. He seems like a child having stolen candies in the back of his mum. He's accusing his fans to be stupid metalheads and takes a jaded pose, hoping some "ones" could understand and admire how audacious Opeth artitic choices are.
Wow !

Result : this Opeth's Heritage is as subversive as my grandmother, and in no way surprising. It's just a kisch version of the 70s. And the lyrics ! OMG !
Soooo dumb and cliché ! What happened to you, Akerfeld ?

When an "arty" attitude replaced the real artistic talent, it is the beginning of the end.

What, are you a female? I thought only chicks could read minds and read into every word. "He's accusing his fans to be stupid metalheads..."? Huh? Am I missing something? I never heard him say that once. If you want to read into it and believe that's what his meaning is behind his attitude, then that's different; but you're actually saying he's accusing his fans of something he didn't actually say. Everything you just wrote is completely null and void of any fact, and is just based on you being bent that a band you like doesn't keep releasing blackwater park over and over.

Why would you want a band to stay the same forever anyway? Opeth has always evolved and changed from album to album. They've never had an album the exact same. I don't see why this is so shocking for everyone. I'm guessing it's only those that are really unfamiliar with Opeth's entire back catalog that are butt hurt about their new album. Seriously, get over it. If you want an album like Blackwater Park, then go listen to BWP! If you want to hear a new album with Mikael growling, go listen to Bloodbath's TFM.

Can we end this fucking debate already? :yell: The album is out, Mikael wanted to do something different, so they did.... there's not much you can do to change it by whining. He's already expressed that this will "probably cause a divide in [their] fanbase", but he's making the music he feels he needs to at this time. I would much prefer to have an Opeth album like this one that acts as a sabbatical of sorts, to let the band recharge their batteries, so to speak. I for one don't want to see them get burnt out and break up completely.

If you don't like it, well... lets just bitch about it some more. "Oh hai guiz, ZOMG! New Opeth sux0r5... Maybe if we all whine hard enough he will pull the album from the shelves and re-re-release another growling song. ima gunna go listen too Defiler, tehy are sooooo much mooooor br0000tal." :Smug:

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OK guy. If I am a girl, you might be an illiterate man. Read my post cautiously. I was talking about and itw I read in a french magazine. Capice ?
OK guy. If I am a girl, you might be an illiterate man. Read my post cautiously. I was talking about and itw I read in a french magazine. Capice ?

If you're legit and not just looking into things too deeply and inferring something, cite your sources then. Tell me what magazine, what publish date, what page, paragraph, and sentence that you found a quote of Mikael saying his fans are "stupid metalheads".
OK mister policeman.

I guess you probably are Akerfeld US press agent. You might also be a good friend of him, or just a die-hard fan.

Before going further, I'll just say that's the last time I explain something that need no explanation, I mean for average educated people able to read the lines - not mentionning the ones smart enough to read between them.

Note that I don't judge the man but his communication strategy, which, in my opinion, is as remarkable as "Heritage" - you know what I mean.

Off course, Akerfeld is far too clever to say his fans are idiots. He's just, like a chick (I refer to your deep philosophic axiom - Plato ? Kant ? Bruce Lee ?), able to foresee people's face when they are listening to his new masterpiece, and figuring it out makess him laugh.

Talking about Roadrunner records, the journalist asks :
"What's Roadrunner's opinion about Heritage ?
Mike's answer : As people say, "A tramp doesn't choose what people give him". [...] We could have recorded anything, with the name Opeth put on the album, it will have commercial success and sell."

OK, now, to close the debate, since I feel absolutely no need to exchange any further word with you, I saw Opeth live at least ten times. In the beginning, I found that band really classy and unique. The way they told to their fans was full of ... I would say reverence, recollection. This was something I really wasn't expecting from such a band, and that was one of their force. Now, instead of it, you've got Akerfeld's reiterated jokes. I noticed something changing, both in their music and their discourse, and I don't like it. I'm just giving my opinion about it, and I'm not here to make people like or dislike Opeth.