Noctis Valkyries Festival - Calgary Alberta. Sept 22nd w/ Licensed Beer Garden

Matt, why are you such a pussy?!?! You sit in your goddamn dorm room feeling sorry for yourself, while a kick ass festival the magnitude of HCI comes knocking on your door, and you have the gall to say fuck Calgary?!?! Come to Los Angeles, and see if you dare say those words again. Ever been to a third world country!?!? Asbestos grows from fig trees down here. Get off your ass, go to the show, and I'll get you drunk. How's that for an offer?!?!?!
no but seriously, I'll see how my schedule is when I get back to school. It could be tight, but I might make it. But even if I could make it, it's still a debate whether I really want to put all that effort into seeing one or two bands that I wouldn't mind seeing, and about 8 more that I don't care about.
Everyone I know who lives in Calgary (ok, this is only 2 people) say it is a fucking shithole

Really? Huh. Then again, I was only there 3 days, spent 1 at Enmax corporate, 1 in my hotel vomiting from drinking with strippers for 8 hours, and 1 in Bampf. All in all I only saw the downtown area, some amazing strippers, and a great national park.

On a side note, we were at some nightclub that was supposedly the place at the time...don't recall the name. So they are playing the popular club music of the time and people are responding as they normally do in those shitholes. Then that damn song "something something keep it separated..." (by the Offspring, maybe?) came on and the entire place, the entire fucking place, erupted. Completely apeshit. My coworker (who was 30 feet away trying to mack on some bimbo) and I turned and looked at each other across this horribly crowded room like WTF. We left within 10 minutes of that, never to return. True story.