Norther Question

Dec 8, 2005
Did Norther ever do a cover of Fear Of The Dark? Because I have this mp3 of it from a long time ago, but there is no band name, and it sounds a lot like Norther (It has Violins from 0:31 - 1:41) ?
I was under the impression that Powerlave was by a band called Ancient Wisdom and not Dimmu... Don't much sound like Shagrath to me at all either.

EDIT: see next my next comment.
Actually after some research I found that Ancient Wisdom and Dimmu both did Powerslave... I just happened to get the Ancient Wisdom version twice one titled Ancient Wisom and the other Dimmu...
enjoi17 said:

:lol: at least I made the effort to look into it.

Not sure about who The Trooper was actually done by, but that version of The Final Coutdown is by Dispatched , like anyone really cares tho... :lol:
My buddy made it a mission to find covers and remixes of The Final Coutdown and as it stands right now he has about 50... even one done with a kazoo :lol: