
Aug 14, 2006
Buffalo, N.Y.
Who likes norther,i fucking love them,allthough i only have mirror of madness i still love them.I really want more of their Albums,i wonder if they have grown to craft solos in a better way,they usually do the guitar to guitar to keyboard solo,i wish they switched it up more:headbang:
yea MOM,lol mom
is the only album I really like,but DU as a song is awesome
really overrated band, pretty good solos that's about it. Petris vocals suck and many of their songs sound the same which get's booring after awhile. Endless War is probably my favorite song of theirs.
I love Norther. I have all their CDs, the best is Death Unlimited. The voice of Pete is amazing (I like harsh vocals), I love the bass and guitars, the drum is fast then I love this band. That's a nice melodic/thrash power metal band :p

Their style change on every albums, that's what Kride (guitarist/back vocals) said to me. Their last album is good but I still prefer Death Unlimited (I think I listened to it 500 times in 2 years.

On the Norther Messageboard, I wrote something and Kride answered me with this:

''I just wanted to say a word or two. We have never (and hopefully will never) done any songs for "cash". Our songs are different on all the different albums and they will be different in the future but the only reason for that is that we change as people so the music we make changes too. We make the kind of music that we like and we sincerely hope you guys like it too. If we tried to please someone by making certain kind of songs we would totally fail... that wouldn't then anymore be our music if you know what I mean. Music in general is much about having fun to us so sometimes we also like to experiment and do weird stuff.''