I like the band and all, but seriously... DO A SEARCH. Their are at least 1 or 2 existing threads dedicated to norther. Also if you want to get their album just use ebay or amazon... not that hard.
I once saw a TV show that said that most Chinese had ever seen the Tank Man image. I will take this thread to do a little experiment.

Yes, in China.
Selver threads have 10x more awesomeness than other threads.

Norther are pretty cool.

Anyhow, if you can't buy it, then I'm gonna have to say pirate it. Whatever. It won't kill anyone. Worse things have happened. Just remember that if they ever come to Urumuqi for some reason you have to go see them.
It comes from "owned," but people type so fast and carelessly that it came out "pwned" a lot, because the "p" is right next to the "o." It's become commonplace on internet forums now.