Nosturi gig just shown on tv

I won't even try to find it from the net, because I'm really not a nerd.. and I can't see it because my bro stole our VHS. I've seen it once really quiet and once really drunk.
Got it from torrent reactor..

PS : Torrents are simple as hell... Download a Torrent file having lots of Seeds (pple who already have the file and are 'seeding' it).. Download a Torrent app (i.e Bit Torrent or BitLord)... Open the torrent with the app...set a Save folder... and Enjoy.
Greg Moore said:
Does someone have the audio of this show in MP3 ??

I just downloaded the audio in FLAC off of dimeadozen. And its also the whole show and great quality, because it was an FM broadcast.
I only had to download BitTorrent and search from google. 'bittorrent children of bodom nosturi live' or something. It's not that hard.
The Bringer said:
I really think American crowds can take a huge lesson from the Finns. quit trying to act so fucking tough and crush your way to the front of the stage. Thank fucking god I don't have to put up with that shit anymore. Look at this crowd, everyone respects each other and gives the room needed to enjoy the show.
Totally agreed.
Well now I know whose that head in the car :tickled:
I was on that show, great video. Even though the Stockholm gig that was filmed for the DVD was a much better performance, too bad they didn't play Punch Me I Bleed on that one
For all does having problem...Why dont you all look some torrents sites they maybe have the Nosturi show...hell i got it like that :D